Day 26: Deep Inner Cleansing

Today's exercise is the first step that you will need to gradually prepare your body for healing processes.

And for today's exercise, you will use the aura coil to enhance the result you get from this exercise.

So, let's get started.


Words of affirmation "Speak this out loud" for Day 26:

 I am glad to have started my complete healing process, and I am cleansing my marrow using Qi energy.

Center Yourself:

Take 5 minutes to center yourself and do belly breathing white listening to “Any Frequency of Your Choice” on the qi coil app before you kick off today’s exercise.

Exercise: (Duration 14 minutes)

Click here to watch the course video and start today's exercise.


  • You can practice this session in a lying or sitting position.
  • Though not required, however, we recommend that you do this meditation session using our Aura Coil (14" 3 Level) for enhanced results.

Click here to purchase our Aura Coil (14" 3 Level). Less than 5 left in stock.


  • Reply to three other people’s posts relating to the Qi gong challenge with words of encouragement on our Facebook Group.
  • Use hashtag #qigongchallenge and #day26.

Click here to join our community on Facebook.


Check off “Day 26” on your 30 Day Challenge Calendar.

Category: Qi Gong 30 Day Challenge