Brain Boost Collection 1 Quantum Frequencies
Brain Booster 1: Focus Concentration Clarity Frequency Quantum Frequencies
Brain Booster 1: Focus Concentration Clarity Frequency Quantum Frequencies
Brain Booster 1: Focus Concentration Clarity Frequency Quantum Frequencies
Brain Booster 1: Focus Concentration Clarity Frequency Quantum Frequencies
Brain Boost Bundle Quantum Frequencies
Brain Boost Bundle Quantum Frequencies
Brain Boost Bundle Quantum Frequencies

Brain Booster 1: Increase Brain Power


Focus, Concentration, Clarity Frequency

“These frequencies seem to give me fresh energy and movement, like they energetically unravel the starry knot. WOW!” - Ric G.

Are you lacking focus?

Having brain fog?

Not learning as fast as you want?

Forgetting things and having a memory lapses?

Then you absolutely need to unlock your super brain now!

A blockage in your brain functions could negatively sabotage every aspect of your life!

qilifestore brain booster

The Truth About Unlocking Your Superhuman Mind

  • Learn faster and gain an unfair advantage over your peers...
  • Give your brain a massive boost and peak mental performance
  • Finally unlock your full mental capacity to stay sharp and focused
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia

Average Humans Use Less Than 10% Of Their Brain

What do these people have in common?

The top athletes in the world...

The world’s wealthiest billionaires...

The most successful people in the world…

They are able to access an extra 1% of their brain, that normal people don’t.

You probably wonder what is their secret, and how they achieve astronomically more than a normal person.

How To Activate Your Psychic Ability

With these powerful frequencies, you will to give your brain a massive boost.

  • Activate your pineal gland
  • Open your third eye
  • Achieve enlightenment
  • Access deeper levels of consciousness
  • Spark your intuition and instincts
  • Induce psychic abilities
  • Astral projection, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, telepathy, remote viewing and more
  • Protect yourself and others from psychic attack

24 Quantum Frequencies

Quantum Frequency

Brainwave Enhancement

  • Tune your brainwaves!
  • Alpha (relaxation) 14hz
  • Beta (focus) 20hz
  • Delta (Sleep, recovery) 3.4 hz
  • Theta (regeneration) 7.83 hz
  • Gamma (Heightened Perception) 40 hz
  • High Gamma (Heightened Perception) 45 hx
Quantum Frequency

True Phi Brain Focus Concentration

  • Great for study, work or planning
  • Tunes your brainwaves to the perfect golden ratio (1.618)
  • Clarity of thoughts
  • Faciliate relaxed focus
Quantum Frequency

Pineal Gland Activation

  • Activate, decalcify your pineal gland!
  • Increase creativity
  • Develop Intuition, Insight and Imagination
  • See with your mind's eye
  • Open your third eye
  • Lighten your inner vision

How Do You Use Them?

  1. 1

    Choose a frequency that you desire and listen to the sounds with or without headphones.

  2. 2

    Use the Qi Coils for added power that converts the sound to magnetic energy.

  3. 3

    Use them during work, before sleep, while meditating, to relax or anytime at your convenience.

  4. 4

    Witness your own positive changes and just repeat the process!

How Will This Work For You?

Science has shown that our brain and body respond to electromagnetic frequencies.

Using our technology, you are able to communicate with your cells instantly.

By stimulating your brain to resonate at the right frequencies, we are able to unlock it’s full potential.

qilifestore brain frequency

Invest in Yourself, Invest in Your Brain …

The human brain is the most critical organ in our body.

How much is it worth to you if you could increase your memory by just 10% for the rest of your life?

Or increase your learning speed, problem solving and productivity by 10%?

Or increase your creativity by 10%?

Is it worth the paltry sum of this frequency collection?

Most would agree that it would be worth multiple times the price? Wouldn’t you agree?

Perform better at work to get that promotion you’ve been eyeing.

Make better financial decisions to make more money and succeed in business.


Our Technology Has Transformed 1000’s of Lives...

qilifestore review

“Very useful and thousands of frequencies to choose to enhance my body and mind needs”

- Theo T.
qilifestore review

“This was hugely beneficial to my body in my meditation along with the coils. I would recommend!”

- Penny A.
qilifestore review

“First experience with the frequencies where phenomenal! so I start today in good spirits and physically feeling good energy…”

- Ryan F.

Why This Is The Future of Medicine…

1 Simple, Safe, and Convenient

The frequencies can be enjoyed on their own, with Qi Coils, or both simultaneously. Includes webapp access, and lifetime use.

2 Be Your Own Healer

The regenerative power of the PEMF technology can finally restore the wellness you need in your life to live.

3 Non-invasive, Natural

Our PEMF technology is an all-natural way to transform yourself without having to resort to invasive methods.

4 For Practitioners or Families

Recommended for practitioners or anyone who wants to improve overall wellness. It is an essential toolbox for all the wellness needs of you and your family.

Transform Yourself Today Effortlessly With the World’s Most Powerful Meditation Frequencies!

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How to Play Frequencies in Your Webapp

Just add to cart and complete your checkout to access via webapp.


Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the members.qicoil.com after 48 hours.

This Frequency might be subject to License & Leasing Terms of Agreement. To view the complete Terms and Agreement Click Here.

Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.