
Revolutionary Wellness Technology Offer for 2024 LIVE NOW

Earn Up to 30% Per Sale with Qi Coil Systems!

Experience Record-Breaking Conversions & The Highest Commissions in the Wellness Niche!
Avg $3.48 EPC (Earnings Per Click)

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A revolutionary new wellness technology offer brought to you by seasoned industry professionals.
With industry leading offers and millions in revenue you can rest assured this will explode your bank account with affiliate commissions.
Huge payouts and effortless conversions, now is the time to promote Qi Coils.
Send traffic and see for yourself why affiliates are calling this the best offer they have ever promoted

Promote A Product That Changes Lives

Qi Coil stands at the forefront of wellness innovation, offering a unique solution for those seeking to enhance their health and vitality. By becoming a Qi Coil affiliate, you're not just promoting a product; you're offering a gateway to a better quality of life. Here’s why Qi Coil is your next big opportunity:

Revolutionary Technology

Promote a product backed by science and testimonials, designed to improve wellness and transform lives.

Huge Commissions

Earn up to 30% commission per sale, with Qi Coil's proven high conversions. Experience the industry's highest payouts and watch your earnings soar.

Massive Earning Potential

The wellness niche is vast and growing. Top affiliates in our program are already seeing daily commissions that can rival any sector, with potential earnings exceeding $170,000 per year.

Low Refund Rates

Qi Coil products are loved by customers worldwide, thanks to their quality and effectiveness, resulting in exceptionally low refund rates.

Incentives for Everyone

From thousands in prizes to special bonuses, we value and reward our affiliates, regardless of size. Your success is celebrated here!

How It Works

  • Sign Up Easily

    Joining our affiliate program is straightforward. Apply now to get your unique affiliate link in seconds.
  • Promote and Share

    Use our library of resources to share Qi Coil's transformative products with your audience.
  • Earn Big

    Start earning generous commissions on every sale made through your affiliate link. With our tools and support, making sales is easier than you think.

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  • Exclusive Affiliate Support

    Access marketing materials, product insights, and our dedicated affiliate team to maximize your success.
  • Competitive Advantages

    Stay ahead with our continuous product innovation, ensuring you always have something new and exciting to offer.

Join Us

The Qi Coil Affiliate Program is more than just an opportunity to earn; it's a chance to be part of a community dedicated to wellness and prosperity. With unparalleled support, competitive commissions, and a product that sells itself, there's never been a better time to join.

Ready to Transform Lives and Earn Big?

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Abundance & Spirituality

$1 Offer Funnels

Life Mastery

Email Swipes

  • Our High Converting Email Swipes Are Perfect To Send Straight To Your List And Start Earning Commission Today.
  • For Best Results Please Match The Headline Of The Email With The Correct Headline 
  • Send To All Unopened Subscribers 24 Hours After First Sendout. 
  • Please Note: Only Send To Opted-In Subscribers. Do Not SPAM Or You Will Be Permanently Blacklisted From Promoting Our Product.

Email #1

Subject: Discover the Ultimate Meditation Shortcut for Stress Relief and Better Sleep

Hey there,

Feeling overwhelmed by stress and struggling to get a good night's sleep? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, millions of people are facing the same challenges.

But here's the good news: there's a simple solution to help you find relief and get the rest you deserve. Introducing the Qi Coil Meditation Shortcut - your key to stress less, relax more, and sleep better.

Scientific research has revealed that this innovative meditation technique can effectively reduce stress, anxiety, and improve sleep quality. With just a few minutes of practice each day, you can instantly remove negative energy, uplift your mood, and enjoy the deep, rejuvenating sleep you've been longing for.

Ready to experience the benefits for yourself? Click here to learn more and start your journey to inner peace and better sleep.

qi coil 3s transformation

P.S. If you're in need of immediate stress relief, consider trying our meditation device - a powerful tool designed to help you feel better instantly. Click here to discover how it can support your well-being.

Wishing you calmness and tranquility,

Email #2

Subject: Unlock Abundance: Your Path to Prosperity Starts Here

Hey [Name],

Are you ready to invite abundance into your life and unlock a world of prosperity? It's time to tap into the power of manifestation and claim the abundance you deserve.

In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves struggling with financial challenges and scarcity mindset. But the truth is, abundance is all around us, waiting to be embraced.

You can harness the limitless potential of your mind and attract wealth, success, and abundance into your life. Our proven techniques and transformative practices will help you shift your mindset, remove limiting beliefs, and align with the abundance that is your birthright.

Whether you're seeking financial freedom, career success, or personal fulfillment, our program offers a holistic approach to abundance that empowers you to create the life of your dreams.

Ready to embark on your journey to abundance?

Ready to experience the benefits for yourself? Click here to learn more and start manifesting the life you desire.

Here's to a life filled with abundance and prosperity!

Warm regards,


Because of David’s training, my income took off and I can help others now. I feel amazing that I don’t need to stress anymore, just enjoy yourself and let things go.


I really like the program and it’s very easy. I can educate people and show them how to better themselves and it doesn’t feel like you’re selling them, you’re actually helping them. This is the mindset that I’ve got from this program.

Kim "Worm Queen"

Product Images

Click On Any Image And It Will Open In A New Window To Download It Onto Your Device.

Ad Inspiration

  • "Unlock Ancient Secrets to Skyrocket Your Energy with Qi Coil!"
  • "Revolutionary Qi Coil Discovery: Turn Stress into Serenity Overnight!"
  • "How a Single Qi Coil Session Can Transform Your Mental Clarity!"
  • "Discover the Qi Coil Miracle: Age Reversal Is Just a Click Away!"
  • "See How Qi Coil Technology Unleashed My Peak Performance!"
  • "Incredible! Qi Coil Unlocks Your Body's Hidden Potential in Minutes!"
  • "Experience the Magic: Qi Coil's Path to Ultimate Well-being!"
  • "Shocking Results: Qi Coil's Energy Boosting Power Revealed!"
  • "Qi Coil Users Report Unbelievable Health Transformations!"
  • "Exclusive Qi Coil Breakthrough: Elevate Your Life Quality Overnight!"
  • "Transform Your Living Space into a Healing Oasis with Qi Coil!"
  • "Qi Coil: The Secret Weapon for Enhanced Focus and Creativity!"
  • "Instant Relief: How Qi Coil Melts Away Stress and Anxiety!"
  • "The Ultimate Qi Coil Ritual for Deep, Restorative Sleep!"
  • "Groundbreaking Qi Coil Technology: Boost Your Immunity Naturally!"
  • "Erase Fatigue: Boost Your Daily Energy with Qi Coil!"
  • "Unlock Your Spiritual Awakening with Just One Qi Coil Session!"
  • "Qi Coil: The Revolutionary Path to Harmonizing Your Life!"
  • "Find Out Why Qi Coil Is the Future of Personal Wellness!"
  • "Instantly Enhance Your Meditation with Qi Coil's Vibrational Technology!"
  • "The Qi Coil Difference: Feel Younger, Stronger, and More Vibrant!"
  • "Qi Coil's Secret to Unlocking Limitless Energy and Vitality!"
  • "Witness the Power of Qi Coil: Transform Your Health Today!"
  • "Discover How Qi Coil Can Elevate Your Fitness Routine!"
  • "Qi Coil: The Key to Unlocking Your Body's Full Healing Potential!"
  • "Experience the Power of Qi Coil: Your Path to True Wellness Begins!"
  • "Qi Coil Users Are Feeling Better Than Ever: Find Out Why!"
  • "Transform Your Life with Qi Coil: More Energy, Better Health, Pure Harmony!"
  • "The Qi Coil Revolution: Why Everyone Is Talking About It!"
  • "Step Into a New You: Unleash Your Best Self with Qi Coil!
  • Wellness technology 
  • Stress relief tips 
  • Holistic health practices
  • Energy boosting tips 
  • Meditation benefits 
  • Sleep improvement tips 
  • Anxiety relief techniques 
  • Portable wellness gadgets 
  • Home relaxation devices 
  • Natural energy enhancers  
  • Mindfulness tools 
  • Self-care gadgets 
  • Personal wellness device 
  • Energy balance techniques 
  • Biohacking for beginners 
  • Meditation aids 
  • Focus improvement strategies 
  • Natural wellness solutions 
  • Daily relaxation routines 
  • Holistic wellness trends 
  • Mind-body balance 
  • Energy healing basics 
  • Stress management devices 
  • Wellness apps 
  • Healthy lifestyle gadgets 
  • Mindfulness meditation devices 
  • Energy optimization 
  • Vibrational therapy insights 
  • Wellness routine gadgets 
  • Personal energy management

Affiliate Terms

We are thrilled to have you on board and look forward to a successful partnership. To ensure clarity and mutual understanding, please review the following terms and conditions that govern your participation in the program.
  1. Each Participant In The Affiliate Program Offered By Qi Life and QiLifeStore.com (The "Vendor") Expressly Agrees To This Affiliate Agreement.
  2. No Self-Purchasing: Affiliates are strictly prohibited from signing up friends, family, or any other persons with the intent to earn commissions on purchases made for the affiliate's personal use. This practice undermines the integrity of the QiLifeStore.com Affiliate Program and is strictly monitored. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of the affiliate account and forfeiture of any commissions earned through such activities.
  3. Product Commission Restrictions: Certain products within the Qilifestore.com Premium Product line, including but not limited to the Resonant Wand, Qi Coil Aura, Qi Lite, and Resonant Console, are not eligible for commission until the affiliate achieves a specific revenue target. These restrictions are designed to encourage broad promotion of the Qi Coil range while maintaining the exclusivity and premium positioning of our higher-end products. Detailed information regarding revenue targets and commission eligibility for these premium products is available within the affiliate dashboard. Affiliates are encouraged to review these details to plan their promotional strategies accordingly.
  4. Coupon Site Restrictions: Affiliates operating coupon sites are not eligible for commissions.
  5. Earnings and Payments: Affiliates are eligible for payouts once they reach a minimum commission threshold of $100. Standard commissions are processed 45 days after the end of each month, in compliance with our terms. However, for those looking to receive their earnings more swiftly, applying for VIP affiliate status is an excellent option. Achieving VIP status accelerates the payment process, allowing commissions to be paid out within the first week following the conclusion of each month. This not only enhances cash flow but also rewards affiliates for their effective promotion efforts. It's important to note that in order to receive any payments, affiliates must have submitted a valid W-9 form; without this, no payments will be made. For details on how to achieve VIP status and submit the necessary tax documentation, affiliates are encouraged to check the dashboard or reach out to our support team.
  6. Affiliate advertising must not include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable national, federal, and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  7. Affiliates are forbidden from creating webpages, social media pages, or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of Qi Coil products and must make it clear that the page is an advertisement.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to mention any type of disease in your marketing. You may NOT imply that Qi Coil products cure or treat anything. You are NOT allowed to use these words in any of your promotions: Cure, heal, treatment, prevent, prevention, disease, diagnosis, mitigate, Coronavirus, Covid, Covid19 or any medical terms that are similar. 
  9. Absolutely no negative or scare marketing tactic is permitted. No negatively worded or titled reviews or videos are allowed. This includes any use of the words "scam," "exposed," or similar.
  10. Any kind of email spam is strictly prohibited. Emails should be sent only to people who have opted in and should be fully CAN-SPAM compliant at all times.
  11. You may not copy, transcribe, paraphrase, reproduce, or otherwise use in any format any video or part of video found on QiLifeStore.com. Nor may you use before or after photos found on this website or within any videos on this website.
  12. Any and all images found on QiLifeStore.com are the property of this website and are copyright protected. They may only be used by affiliates in the promotion of Qi Coil products. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
  13. Affiliates may not directly send customers to a checkout page. All customers must go through the proper channels to ensure tracking and commission attribution.
  14. Affiliates may not bid on any search terms that contain the word "Qi Coil," or any variations thereof, on any search engine, nor may you advertise prices lower than the standard prices offered by the Vendor, or offer any type of bonuses/incentives for purchasing through your affiliate link.
  15. You are not permitted to promote Qi Coil products on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form. This includes products created by you or by us. As well, selling products branded with the Qi Coil brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.
  16. Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Qi Life from any lawsuits, investigations, claims, or complaints arising from any such violation or alleged violation of the terms above. Qi Life shall not be responsible to approve any affiliate ads. Compliance is solely with the affiliate, and the affiliate represents and warrants that it shall have legal review of all affiliate ads for all necessary and required compliance. Affiliates take full responsibility for their advertising.

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**General Compliance and Conduct** 
By participating in the QiLifeStore.com Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this Affiliate Agreement. Your adherence to these guidelines ensures a beneficial partnership between you and Qi Life, promoting a reputable and effective affiliate program focused on the success and satisfaction of both parties involved and their shared audience. 

Failure to comply with these terms may result in the withholding of commissions, immediate termination of the affiliate account, and possible legal action for breach of contract. Qi Life reserves the right to amend or modify these terms at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the affiliate to stay informed of any changes to the affiliate program terms and conditions. 

Thank you for your commitment to ethical and effective promotion of Qi Coil products. We look forward to a successful partnership.