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Attracts Abundance and Feel Lucky
This collection essentially brings forth good fortune and feeling of luck. Attracting good events will help improve mental state and gives positive feeling and good mood. It will provide protection against adversity and misfortune that will keep you focused and going in life.
5 Higher Quantum Frequencies, 96.72 MB

- Boost happiness
- Release Endorphins
- Feel good and lucky
- Attract Abundance
- Magnetize positive people and events

Bad Luck Protection
- Protection against adversity and misfortune
- Helps in developing strong mind
- Instant better mood and happiness
- Increase coping mechanism

Luck Boost 2
- Another way to receive luck
- Increase chances of good luck finding you
- Magnetize lucky events
- Instant better mood and happiness

Lucky Star
- Another way to receive luck
- Increase chances of good luck finding you
- Magnetize lucky events
- Instant better mood and happiness

Good Fortune
- Another way to receive luck
- Bring good fortune and happiness
- Bring fortunate coincidences into your life
- Increase abundance and prosperity
- Instantly experience emotions and feelings of being lucky and in the flow by simply listening to special audio frequencies that you play as MP3 files.
- Create powerful feelings immediately of success and knowing' everything is going to general!) work out just the way you want it.
- Induce internal patterns of behaviour that draw and magnetize fortunate events, contacts and outcomes to you.
- Frequency Driven Behaviour Entrainment to Optimize Peak Performance
What are Higher Quantum Frequencies?
Access A Higher Dimension of Consciousness With a Dynamic Intention Matrix
- Rife Frequencies are Single Frequencies (1 Dimension)
- Binaural Beats are 2 Frequencies (2 Dimension)
- Quantum Frequencies are Multiple Frequencies (3 Dimension)
- Higher Quantum Frequencies are Dynamic Layers of Fields of Intention (4 Dimension)
More of Just a Few of Hundreds of Testimonials :
"...The first time I played it on my MP3 player and walked around. I started bumping into half a dozen people I know in a single afternoon. Must be just a coincidence, I thought. It can't be this remarkable!”"..a group I barely know offered me free use of an incredibly expensive piece of technology that should be quite instrumental in helping the healing process for my 'stuff' overall. AND they just gave me about 5300.00 worth of very rare very valuable medical research related documents.”
"...I think I have some "Good Luck" to report with the good luck frequencies. I won 8 dinners for two in AZ at some really nice resturants. I was picked out of 6,500 entries. That's pretty good odds. “
"..lve been hearing Luck Boost during the last week 50 minutes by day, 25 minutes in the morning, and 25 minutes before go to sleep. Apparent results= 5 new client, invitation to participate in a new research funded by a local NGO about forest floral remedies in a partnership with a local indian tribe.interesting i was a bit tired of my daily routine and now im working almost full day"
"When I play this, emotionally I 'feel' lucky... and have noticed that reasonable exposure seems to set my frame of mind to an expectation of good things will happen…"
"...I started to noticed what seemed like spontaneous rapid changes in my physical experiences with my environment in others, shortly after listening to the frequnecies. Some examples, - Finding parking spots in places and during times. that I NEVER come across for months and months at a time, and this happening quite a bit - Running into people I like quite a bit who I havent seen in a long long time, or rather having people approach me in a really friendly manner, the place I live in. well the locals are not on average terribly pleasant people, and Im not the only one to think this.... - Finding money on the ground, having bad luck take strange twists that turn out good some how….
“Just to tell you that after hearing a loop sequence of the Success Bundle Frequencies during 4 days, like 2 hours by day, i had the follow events in my life; increasing number of Astrology clients, 7 ex pupils from the university from where im retired, came to my house and asked me orientation regarding their last article to get the university degree what means a good extra money
"The shop has only been open for 16 months, and generally it's been touch and go to even stay open. There have been plenty of days when no one comes in at all. It has gotten a little better in the past 4 months; enough for me to squeak by. But yesterday I had several sales, and one customer bought quite a bit of merchandise. So its possible that the Harmony frequencies are helping. Ill be curious to try them again, and see if this is consistent.”
"Hi, and thanks! It made my day, made me much more positive and made me see possibilities. rather than obstacles. Good one!"
“The first thing came to my mind was that it might be related to the emotion you go through when you are so content of something you accomplished or did; something that is registered in your subconscious as a tangible success indicator. But, now I think it is more than that. I think it attempts to trigger or stir your universal mind. which has always been present but covered since a long time with thick blankets of collective conscious!’
"I have a feeling that this frequency works on the RIGHT BRAIN, which is responsible of imagination, feeling, symbols. philosophy and religion .. etc I've noticed that the background sound of this frequency goes directly to the right side of my head, and when the pressure or the throbbing starts, it starts there. “
"purchased the ‘Success Bundle” frequencies and listened to them all day yesterday. Today, I received a call which will put me on the path to my dreams. Very impressed!" Add to Cart Now

Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the Qi Coil app after 48 hours.
Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.