Brainwave Enhancement - Balance And Clarity Quantum Frequencies
Brainwave Enhancement Series Quantum Frequencies
Brainwave Enhancement Series Quantum Frequencies
Brainwave Enhancement Series Quantum Frequencies
Brainwave Enhancement Series Quantum Frequencies

Brainwave Enhancement Series


Imagine... Activating 100% of Your Brain's Full Potential

What is it?

  • Fibonacci & Phi Frequencies
  • Numbers are 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... (Keep adding previous number)
  • Ratio becomes 1.618
  • This ratio is found everywhere on the human body and nature
  • Considered the be ratio that creates "beauty"
  • True Phi takes Fibonacci numbers to a whole new level in multiples of 1.6180339887


What will I feel?

  • Harmony
  • Peace
  • One with nature
  • Tranquility


What do I use it for?
  • Tune your brainwaves!
  • Alpha (relaxation) 14hz
  • Beta (focus) 20hz
  • Delta (Sleep, recovery) 3.4 hz
  • Theta (regeneration) 7.83 hz
  • Gamma (Heightened Perception) 40 hz
  • High Gamma (Heightened Perception) 45 hz


What Chakras are affected?

  • All chakras


Why you need it?

  • Experiencing mental stress?
  • Brain fog?
  • Brain clog?
  • Can't focus?

Frequencies List

  1. Alpha (Relaxation)
  2. Beta (Focus)
  3. Delta (Sleep, Healing)
  4. Gamma (Heightened Perception)
  5. High Gamma (Heightened Perception)
  6. Theta (Dream, Meditation)
  7. Alpha (Relaxation) Triangle
  8. Beta (Focus) Triangle
  9. Delta (Sleep, Healing) Triangle
  10. Gamma (Heightened Perception) Triangle
  11. High Gamma (Heightened Perception) Triangle
  12. Theta (Dream, Meditation) Triangle

Note: These frequencies can be used on all Apple and Android devices and any brand computer or Laptop.

They are 4 dimensional frequencies, that harness the power of nature!

Quantum Frequency World's Most Advanced Neuro Programs

Up to 5000 neural data signals per program. Competitor devices typically have 1-5 per program. We go beyond conventional PEMF frequencies and have developed hundreds of programs called “quantum frequencies” that produce many specific psychological, emotional and biological states.

Quantum Frequency

Molecular Mapping

All molecules have weight and geometry, by uncovering the active compounds in a substance, we can create a frequency profile for each compound and combine them to replicate its effects.

Quantum Frequency

Brainwave EEG sampling

Using a specific combination or sequences of frequencies can induce predictable responses in the brain. Where conventional devices will claim they can calibrate your brainwaves to states such as alpha, delta or theta, we take a giant a leap forward and program your mind for more precise states like calm, confident, positive, peaceful, creative, mindful

Quantum Frequency

Electromagnetic Noise Displacement

All substances, all our cells, and even our DNA emit an electromagnetic signature. By decoding these frequencies, we can alter how they interact with each other.

Quantum Frequency

Qi Life Proprietary Algorithms

With over 10 years of research, we have discovered unique ways for creating experiences in the mind and body through frequency. Integrating a culmination of multi-disciplinary approaches and hyper-dimensional math, we are able to create dynamic numerical models of distinct states of well-being, which are then composed into our higher quantum frequencies

How Do You Use Them?

  1. 1

    Choose a frequency that you desire and listen to the sounds with or without headphones.

  2. 2

    Use the Qi Coils for added power that converts the sound to magnetic energy.

  3. 3

    Use them during work, before sleep, while meditating, to relax or anytime at your convenience.

  4. 4

    Witness your own positive changes and just repeat the process!

How Will This Work For You?

Science has shown that our brain and body respond to electromagnetic frequencies.

Using our technology, you are able to communicate with your cells instantly.

With the different collections of frequencies we have at your disposal, you now have the power and control to dictate the life you want ahead of you.


Experience Qi Energy!

Use these frequencies with Qi Coil or Resonant Wave Systems for enhanced effects.



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NOTE: This product contains Digital files and Hard copies are not available unless specified on the product page. Upon purchase, a download link would be sent to your registered email address and would be available for a period of time. Duplicating, sharing, or uploading product files to sharing sites is strictly forbidden.

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These Frequencies are found deep inside of nature.

There is Phi Ratio or Fibonacci series frequencies that smooth out the nervous system, or True Phi frequencies. The Fibonacci sequence of eventually leads to a ratio between the lower number and the higher number equal to the true phi ratio of 1 to 1.6180339887

The true knowledge of these numbers has been identified in the dimensions of the great pyramid in numerous places. Mostly, Phi has ruled the harmonic ratios in nature's spiral designs such as seashells, plants, flowers, etc.

Both of these sequences as frequencies have a profound effect on tuning your brainwaves! Listen on good headphones for 5 minutes and Meditate - Breathe - Joy!

How to Play Frequencies in Your Webapp

Just add to cart and complete your checkout to access via webapp.


Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the members.qicoil.com after 48 hours.

This Frequency might be subject to License & Leasing Terms of Agreement. To view the complete Terms and Agreement Click Here.

Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.