Day 23: Connect Your Chakras Using Qi Coils

Today, you will learn how to use our Qi Coils to connect your energy centers.

When you create this connection and combine it with the "Imagination Meditation Exercise," you will experience profound energies at different chakra points.

So let's get started.


Words of affirmation "Speak this out loud" for Day 23:

I’m effortlessly using Qi Coils to connect my energy points.

Center Yourself:

Take 5 minutes to center yourself and do belly breathing white listening to “Any Frequency of Your Choice” on the qi coil app before you kick off today’s exercise.

Exercise: (Duration 4 minutes)

Click here to watch the course video and start today's exercise.


Qi Coils are NOT compulsory to do these exercises. However, for the fastest results, we recommend that you do this meditation using our Qi Coils 2S Yin Yang System.

Click here to purchase our Qi Coil 2S Yin Yang System.

  • You will practice today's session using the imagination meditation exercise for connecting chakra points.
  • You can purchase our splitters to enable you to connect two Qi Coils to a single phone.


  • Reach out to someone on #day15 and motivate them on their journey so far on our Facebook Group.
  • Use hashtag #qigongchallenge and #day23.

Click here to join our community on Facebook.

Check off “Day 23” on your 30 Day Challenge Calendar.

Category: Reto de 30 días de Qi Gong