Day 20: Boost Your Intuition.
Just yesterday, you learned how to align to your soul's true purpose.
So using today's Qi gong exercises, you will enhance your intuition to make the best decisions that will lead you through the right path in life.
Once you boost your intuitive abilities, you will understand how to harness your Qi energy to direct you on your journey.
Words of affirmation "Speak this out loud" for Day 20:
“My mind, heart, body, and spirit’s intuition is clear. I know which way to go.”
Center Yourself:
Take 5 minutes to center yourself and do belly breathing white listening to “Any Frequency of Your Choice” on the qi coil app before you kick off today’s exercise.
Exercise: (Duration 14 minutes)
Click here to watch the course video and start today's exercise.
Perform this muscle testing exercise using a situation in your life where you would like to make the best decision.
- Tag someone on #Day7 of the Qi Gong challenge and congratulated them on reaching their first milestone on our Facebook Group.
- Use hashtag #qigongchallenge and #day20.
Click here to join our community on Facebook .
Check off “Day 20” on your 30 Day Challenge Calendar.
- elegir una selección de resultados en una actualización de página completa
- presiona la tecla de espacio y luego las teclas de flecha para hacer una selección