7 Chakra Tune Up - Activation And Balancing Quantum Frequencies
7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies - Activation And Balancing Quantum
7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies - Activation And Balancing Quantum
7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies - Activation And Balancing Quantum
7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies - Activation And Balancing Quantum

7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies - Activation And Balancing

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Activation And Balancing Vital Frequencies That You the World Needs During These Unprecedented Times

“First experience with the frequencies was phenomenal! so I start today in good spirits and physically feeling good energy” - YK C.

The 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies are resonant frequencies that vibrate at a certain frequency to harmonise your mind and help you receive positive energy.

These frequencies tune up your Chakras and make your Chakra points more receptive to positive energy around you.

These Simple But Effective Frequencies Will Help You:

  • See clearer with your third eye
  • Communicate better with others
  • Enhance your ability to see your self worth
  • Love yourself more
  • Have more stability in life
  • Create better relationship with others
  • Enhance pleasure or sexuality
  • Easily become connected to divine powers
  • Experience higher consciousness

Not Only That, You’re About to Discover…

  1. ➡️

    Free your mind from anxiety or stress

  2. ➡️

    Open your mind

  3. ➡️

    Control your thoughts

  4. ➡️

    Enhance your personality

  5. ➡️

    Tune up your sexual energy

The 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies Series Includes:

7 Chakra Tune Up - Activation And Balancing Quantum Frequencies

All Purpose Energy Healing

  • 01. Crown Chakra 216
  • 02. Third Eye Chakra 144
  • 03. Throat Chakra 192
  • 04. Heart Chakra 128
  • 05. Solar Plexus Chakra 182
  • 06. Sacral Chakra 303
  • 07. Root Chakra 228

Scientists believe the effect of sound on the human mind.

These sounds will help boost your positive energies and enhance your mind.

Have you felt like achieving a greater height of love, peace, harmony and positivity?

But unfortunately everything seems impossible because of roadblocks within your mind that can’t let you see the light?

What have you tried that didn’t work for you?

  • Unproductive Therapies
  • Pages of books that repeat the old washed processes that don’t work on you?
  • Programs that you’ve abandoned because you don’t think your answers were there?

Well, the good news is that our customers have felt exactly the same way you’re feeling…

And they tried our frequencies that strengthened their consciousness and now they are happier and loving their new life.

I will be showing you how you can transform your emotions just by aligning with the right frequencies using our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies.

First let’s look at what the 7 Chakras are and how our tune-up frequencies enhance your Chakras for better meditation and experiences.

What are the 7 Chakras?

Chakras are energy systems originated from India.

They are known to be the energy points in your body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeing, so energy is passed through these points to your mind to enhance or heal you.

Here are the 7 basic Chakras, their Significance and Purpose

qilifestore 7 basic chakra

Crown Chakra

The crown (7th Chakra) is located at the top of the head. It represents states of higher consciousness and divine connection. Imbalance attributes would be cynicism, disregarding what is sacred, closed mindedness, and disconnection with spirit.

Significance and Purpose of Crown Chakra

This chakra’s purpose is the spiritual connection it creates between you and the divine being. This divine being can be angelic energy, God, the source, the universe). Its significance in your wellbeing is to help you connect with a deeper spiritual being and give you the deep knowledge that everything is governed by a higher being.

qilifestore crown chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye (6th chakra) is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It represents intuition, foresight, and is driven by openness and imagination. Imbalanced attributes would be lack of direction and lack of clarity.

Significance and Purpose of Eye Chakra

This chakra is believed to be the highest chakra in the physical body giving you insight to a deeper life. The importance is noted in its ability to take you on a journey to a realm beyond the vision captured by the 2 natural eyes.

qilifestore eye chakra

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra (5th chakra) is located at the center of the neck. It represents the ability to speak and communicate clearly and effectively. Imbalance attributes would be shyness, being withdrawn, arrogance, and increased anxiety.

Significance and Purpose of The Throat Chakra

The throat Chakra is significantly a big part of your ability to communicate coherently. Helping you speak your inner truth.

qilifestore throat chakra

Heart Chakra

The heart (4th Chakra) is located in the center of the chest. It represents love, self-love and governs our relationships. Imbalance attributes would be depression, difficulty in relationships, and lack of self-discipline.

Significance and Purpose of The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra gives empathy and compassion, and its purpose is connected to your ability to build meaningful relationships and love for yourself

qilifestore heart chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus (3rd chakra) is located below the chest. It represents self-esteem, pleasure, will-power, and personal responsibility. Imbalance attributes would be low self-esteem, control issues, manipulative tendencies, and misuse of power.

Significance and Purpose of The Plexus Chakra

The Plexus Chakra’s importance to you is the ability it gives you to govern your personality, identity as well as your personal freedom. Its purpose in your life is beyond identifying your personality. It gives further gives enhances your will-power to control and not misuse opportunities, or become selfish and manipulative

qilifestore plexus chakra

Sacral Chakra

The sacral (2nd chakra) is located below the navel. It represents creative and sexual energies. Imbalanced attributes would be lack of or repressed creativity, sexual dysfunction, withheld intimacy, and emotional isolation.

Significance and Purpose of The Sacral Chakra

The purpose of this chakra is to balance your emotions between you and others. Since this chakra is associated with sexual intimacy and improving your creative and sexual energies, it is important for building pleasure, great relationships, and emotional balance.

qilifestore sacral chakra

Root Chakra

The root (1st chakra) is located at the base of the spine. It provides the foundation on which we build our life representing safety, security, and stability. Imbalance attributes would be scattered energies, anxiety, and fear.

Significance and Purpose of The Root Chakra

This chakra’s purpose in your life is to help you identify and build a base in your life. It's important in helping you grow a deeper sense of security, shed anxiety and fear.

How Our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies Will Work For You?

When you use our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies to enhance the results of your Chakras, you experience greater results in all energy points of your body.

Great thing is that if any of your chakras is becoming unbalanced, our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies would help you realign with the right energy and shed all blockages.

Also you can experience overall wellbeing, experience open-mindedness to align with the right vibrations as everything about you is based on vibrations at different frequencies.

qilifestore 7 chakra tune up

How do these frequencies work?

It’s been proven by science that music has deeper connection to our minds, and the human mind can be readjusted to respond positively to music, so music is simply a tool to transform the mind.

Now with our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies for activation and balancing the mind you can introduce a different kind of frequency which can change your consciousness.

Our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies would connect with the frequencies travelling through your chakras to realign it into what you desire and enhance what you already feel

Why You Should Invest in Tuning Your Chakras Now...

There’s really no need to delay your happiness.

You might have tried several means of tuning up your chakras, these could be using Yoga classes, sleep medications, guided meditation…

But looking at how much you spent or will spend to get a significant result, and how much our frequencies cost, you will see the significant difference in value of each of the choices you want to make.

Combining some programs like Yoga sessions, guided meditations, and supplements to enhance your chakras would cost more than $1,000 per year.

But with our 7 Chakra Tune Up Frequencies, you spend only the small price of these frequencies.

Our Technology Has Transformed 1000’s of Lives...

qilifestore review

“This was hugely beneficial to my body in my meditation along with the coils. I would recommend it”

- Penny T.
qilifestore review

“I often use my resonant console to feel relaxed and give a calming effect to my surroundings. I do even share this with my family however I checked that this will work better with qi coil and wand, I cannot wait to get your other products”

- Reeve A.

Why This Is The Future of Medicine…

1 Simple, Safe, and Convenient

The frequencies can be enjoyed on their own, with Qi Coils, or both simultaneously. Includes webapp access, and lifetime use.

2 Be Your Own Healer

The regenerative power of the PEMF technology can finally restore the wellness you need in your life to live.

3 Non-invasive, Natural

Our PEMF technology is an all-natural way to transform yourself without having to resort to invasive methods.

4 For Practitioners or Families

Recommended for practitioners or anyone who wants to improve overall wellness. It is an essential toolbox for all the wellness needs of you and your family.

Balance and Tune your chakras effortlessly today with these powerful Chakra Tune Up frequencies!

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Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.