Remove Negative Energy FREE | Clear Away Anxiety, Worry & Stress Instantly
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De-Stress Instantly
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Negative energy can cause depression and anxiety. It will also limit your life. It can cause your mental and physical health to spiral. This frequency is created to help wash away negative energy using psychosomatic acoustic behavior entrainment.
The Benefits:
- Melt Away Stress Instantly
- Remove negative thoughts, feelings, energy
- Improves mood
- Promotes positive attitude
- Motivation, optimism
The gravitational pull towards synchronicity is one of the founding principles of the natural world. It is observable in our everyday lives and immortalized by the theories of Quantum physics. This basic law of physics teaches us that everything in the universe is made up of particles or waves, vibrating like strings at different frequencies.
These frequencies penetrate, pierce, radiantly blind and purge negative energies and send then howling and screaming for cover. Got a haunted house? Really bad vibes in your room? Creepy feelings in the middle of the night when you wake up? See how quickly the room starbursts into luminous positive vibrating energy and immediately evaporates any invisible critters lurking about.
- Instantly remove negative energy on many levels
- Remove negative energy from inside you, around you, or from a physical location
- Remove negative emotional & spiritual energy that is wreaking havoc on your life
- Banish and dispell dark and malevolent energies
- Bring light and postitive abundant energy into your life
“You Are About to Experience Being A Higher Level of Consciousness That Meditators Only Dream Of...”
Powerful Audio Frequencies That Contain Mathematical Representations of States of Consciousness. Emotions and Physical Well Being.
This is NOT- Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones, HemiSync, Affirmations, Subliminal Vocalizations, or Hypnosis.
This Is Unlike Anything You've Ever Witnessed or Heard of Before!!!
- Instantly experience emotions and feelings of being lucky and in the flow by simply listening to special audio frequencies that you play as MP3 files.
- Create powerful feelings immediately of success and knowing' everything is going to general!) work out just the way you want it.
- Induce internal patterns of behaviour that draw and magnetize fortunate events, contacts and outcomes to you.
Frequency Driven Behaviour Entrainment to Optimize Peak Performance
- Support the unified conscious and subconscious mind to reach a super conscious state
- Reintegrate your heart and mind back to their natural state of flow and connectedness
- Approach experiencing supra-normal states of experience, liberty. sensation, relation. and fulfillment
- Begin the journey towards being able to think, feel. and experience from a state of unified consciousness
- Wake up, and experience this world from the place of the conscious mind no longer separated from imagination and from the subconscious self
- Support and facilitate the imagination in learning to reason
- Facilitate the conscious and subconscious mind to co-mingle and work powerfully together in the waking state
- Condition yourself into an optimal state for the coming shift
- Return to your authentic true inner self
- Attain a healthy, happy, harmonious balance
- Regain your sense of child like wonder, innocence and magic
- Awaken your simple wisdom and intuition
- Recall what matters most to you in your life
- Heal internal splits and fragmentations
- Start dreaming and hoping in the impossible beautiful dreams again
- Approach the place inside yourself where your imagination can reason
What are Higher Quantum Frequencies?
They are the Next Level of Frequencies that harness the Power of 4 Dimensions
- Rife Frequencies are Single Frequencies (1 Dimension)
- Binaural Beats are 2 Frequencies (2 Dimension)
- Quantum Frequencies are Multiple Frequencies (3 Dimension)
- Higher Quantum Frequencies are Dynamic Layers of Fields of Intention (4 Dimension)
Reviews From Users:
"...An almost miraculous increase in energy & good health after my recent very serious illness which flattened me almost to the point of extinction both mentally & physically....I've got to tell you that I feel marvellous, almost dangerous!”"I have no pain and I believe they are very instrumental in the progress so far. The healing has been remarkable to me, I have no problems and no pain this time. Last time the injury was not as severe but the recovery was very painful and took a long time. My children are all surprised and thrilled by my progress this time. I really did not think about the frequencies as a direct influence on my shoulder I just used them. But they are what has made the difference.Thank you, for this gift that I just took for granted.I am very blessed to be a part of this adventure, you are truly a gift to the world.”
"Alertness, energy, wakefulness, libido stimulation and a feeling of being full of life. It also seemed that the shields have something to do with the circulation system (not sure about this): waves of heat, tingling at the back of my neck, warm hands, warm feet (my hands and my feet are always cold.”
"The first sensations were an extreme energy from my hands I am a Reiki Master but the energy and heat I felt was more than I had experienced before.There was a bubbling feeling inside my chest their was intense tingling of my chest and torso, a sensual, sexual feel. My arms legs and feet were extremely warm, I am usually cold. It felt like my blood was bubbling.) had an effervesce feeling in my mouth. My feet tingled and as I was laying on the chaise listening, I closed my eyes and was enjoying a full color animated video like production without sound. This is first time I have seen anything other than a magenta colored flower listened to the set for about 3 hours."
"I have listened to several times now with very interesting results. Wow, Less than 5 minutes into the program, I immediately feel clearer and able to focus. It's like entering into a zone" or "flow" state level. I start working faster, making less mistakes, humming along and getting things done. It feels great. It has happened each time I listen. One time I had a bit of sore lower back (I woke up with it, not the kind that manifests after a long day)-- it disappeared after listening to the frequencies. I have taken several tests which show I might have a couple kinds of ADD, at least I experience similar symptoms. These frequencies seem to really help me "do" things. And that's a great blessing. These frequencies seem to give fresh energy and movement, like they energetically unravel that starry knot. Wowl”
"I started out with this calm, powerful feeling, and got into a lot of problems, that I solved... I'm usually to impatient to endure such an amount of resistance without giving up..and get side-tracked."
I ran the loop for another 2 hours and now i feel really open and great. Clear and calm.”
'OK Ive been on the Freq's for just over one full week I have been on daily pain meds for over two years here and have been walking with a cane on my good days and a walker when my hip pops out of joint, my blood seems to be clotting as well now much better as well. Now today Is my 1st day off pain meds and now I should be having major withdraw) but I'm not, will it last I keep asking. Oh Yeah I forgot the main thing is that I'm enjoying myself on top of it all. " 'Progress is continuing .... a general brighter more inspired state of being and physical happiness in this first week of working with the basic collection. thanks SOOO much.’
"I have been so close to coming completely unglued, it was scary. All this week I've still been feeling the bugs crawling on me and biting me, yet I'm fairly certain that it is now psychosomatic. In desperation Friday night I played the Anxiety Relief for around 45 minutes and became completely calm, as I reported. During the entire 30 minutes I did not feel crawling or biting sensations. Since Ive stopped to write to you Isite felt them again, but just a few. I'm so grateful for this I cannot express it adequately. I truly hope to return to sanity and home sanctity again, sooner due to your elixirs. I found you at the right time, or I could be in the loony bin right now, that's how it feels to me. I feel a little shy about posting this, but if you want to put it in the testimonial section, that's OK God, I haven't felt this sane in several weeks, thank you. “
"...have a friend with multiple health problems. She likes to be my tester, whenever I am checking out a new (at least new to me) approach to health. She has had insomnia since she was born and tried everything with no success. I mean everything, nutrition, drugs, tapes, hypnosis, etc. and even spending days at sleep labs being hooked up to machines, with no success. As a result, she experiences daily fatigue. I was listening to some frequencies when she was over and she wanted her to test something to give me feedback. I gave her my Frequencies with Fatigue, Tiredness, Exhaustion Formula, Regeneration, and Recuperation on it. She called me yesterday and said she noticed a little difference the first day, but now that it has been 3 days, she knows that the sounds are definitely having an effect. She said she has more energy than she can remember in a long time."
Clear The Energy Blockages To Your Fully-Realized Self!
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Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.