285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series Quantum Frequencies
285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series Quantum Frequencies
285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series Quantum Frequencies
285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series Quantum Frequencies
285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series Quantum Frequencies

285 Hz Deep Spiritual Healing From Within Series


Deep Healing From Within

285 Hz is a smooth and calming solfeggio frequency that heals and restores tissues. It is very effective in restructuring damage organs. It influences the energy field around you. This Solfeggio Frequency has this amazing ability to remember the state of our cellular and molecular systems. And it helps to return tissues to their original form. That's why it's very helpful in healing wounds, cuts, burns or any other form of damaged tissues. 

What do I use it for?

  • Heal deep emotional wounds
  • Transformation of human soul
  • Recover from old traumas

What will I feel?

  • Expanded consciousness
  • Empowered
  • Enlightened
  • Knowing


    Frequencies List:

    1. 285 Sine
    2. 285 Slow Pulse
    3. 285 Steady Pulse
    4. 285 Fast Pulse
    5. 285 Rotating Pulse
    6. 285 Saw Triangle Pulse
    7. 285 Square
    8. 285 Square Trance
    9. 285 Square Sine Pulse
    10. 285 Sawtooth

    Note: These frequencies can be used on all Apple and Android devices and any brand computer or Laptop.

     Experience Qi Energy!

    Use these frequencies with Qi Coil or Resonant Wave Systems for enhanced effects.



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    NOTE: This product contains Digital files and Hard copies are not available unless specified on the product page. Upon purchase, a download link would be sent to your registered email address and would be available for a period of time. Duplicating, sharing, or uploading product files to sharing sites is strictly forbidden.

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    How to Play Frequencies in Your Webapp

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    Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the members.qicoil.com after 48 hours.

    This Frequency might be subject to License & Leasing Terms of Agreement. To view the complete Terms and Agreement Click Here.

    Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.