27 fréquences pour soutenir le champ bioénergétique des muscles et des tissus
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I do feel a little better after using this frequency for a month but not sure there if it’s worth the cost.
David Q.
I am extremely encouraged so far and can recommend this frequency for anyone seeking to get back a little of what they lost. It might just give you what you need to feel like you again. 5 stars so far!
Suzanne Jennings
I do feel a little better after using these frequencies for a month but not sure when to stop.
Gareth Hopkins
I chose this company because of the many great reviews. I’m sleeping better and feeling better. No issues at all. I will continue to use this frequency and next year see where my T levels are. Great product.
Richard MIller
So far, no issues. The product is as advertised.
Tania S.
Everybody handles every product differently, not what I expected.
Bill Woods
I have used this frequency for 1 month now. Overall, I feel it is a quality product. I can use it anytime and there are no bad side effects (may not be the same for everyone). I have a more level mood, more energy than before, and I don't completely struggle to wake up early for work like before. Whether or not there is a boost in T or not, I don't know. However, for the improvements I have experienced I feel it is worth it. It has no anything negative reaction physically.