Buddy Lopez
If you’re around 50 years old, you need this frequency for your prostate. Game changer. This stuff works. Never feel better in my life.
Tony Calvert
I've tried many products and medicines, this frequency works the best for my body.
Martie K.
I love this frequency. I’ve been using it for 2 months now. It's helped a lot, if I missed using it, I can tell it. It helps with your sex life also!!
Teddy Hudson
I’m 58 and the flow just hasn’t been what it was. Read up on this frequency and gave it a try. Thank You David!! It works just like it used to. Yeah I tried other products but they don’t do what this one does. It works for me and I hope it does the same for you.
Brian Durand
I've been using this frequency for weeks now. Works great for me. I can get a full night’s sleep.
Malcolm B.
Didn’t work for me. May work for others.
Ron Spenelli
Remember your youth, where you felt that you could pee onto the roof - from the ground?!? I can remember my mother screaming at me to sit down to pee because if I stood up the flow was strong enough to cause excess splatter everywhere. Well those days are decades in the past. My issue was the flow, not frequency. The morning pee is the most urgent one of the day, and the dribble I was dealing with was agony! Every day that first pee was taking longer and longer to accomplish. It was taking up to 10 minutes or more, and even then I would have to go at least 2 more times in the next half hour. Well this frequency works. I was well into my 2nd week before I got full relief, and now that first pee of the day is so much better. It's not like my youth, but hey, nothing's perfect. This stuff makes a huge difference was when I went on a short vacation and forget to bring my pills. This frequency works, for me at least, and I hope it works for you.
Gerardo Lewis
After a week of using this frequency, I am not going as much at night and seem to more completely empty my bladder. It works so well.
Larry Wyatt
I was skeptical at first, but after a couple of weeks of using this frequency, it resolved most of my restroom issues.
Trevor Reidy
This frequency really helps with frequent urination.
Marc K.
I am already feeling more confident and extremely hopeful as this product is filling in the blanks that have left a long time ago! I'm no longer afraid of a windy day LOL I will update once I notice some differences. I’m so excited guys!
Isabelle D.
My husband has been using this frequency and it works a lot for him to go to urinate and it doesn't bother him anymore. In addition, they are natural.
Eugene Z.
Great price, great frequency. I use it every day to keep the flow at full stream
Brian Morgan
I feel the frequency has helped me. I don't have to get up as often at night now
Bert Hadfield
I tried many different products for prostate and this frequency works really good. I use it once in the morning and one at night and it gives me great control all day and night. I got a great discount because I bought a product prior to this frequency
Allan Collins
I have an issue having to go the bathroom at night and this frequency definitely helps to cut down on the urge.
Suzan M.
My husband has been using this product and if he doesn't use it he has trouble voiding during the night.
Jermain H.
This frequency works from day 1 and gets better from there. It keeps your prostate healthy and works better than the prescription medicine from the doctor, without the nasty side effects.
Lew Marlette
It is too early to tell if this frequency will help my urine flow. I certainly hope so.
Malcolm V.
I've tried many prostate products in the past and got this one based on many excellent reviews. But I have to say for me personally and my own unique biology, it didn't seem to work as well as other products do. I'm just not thrilled overall with its effectiveness.
Megan Frakes
Not unlike many males, my husband has had difficulty with his prostate/urinary status. This frequency has been beneficial for him.
Rob Curneal
I find that this frequency really helps and it helps more than the other product I tried. But I still get up at night frequently. The sense of urgency is better. Overall, I am really satisfied.
Michael Davidson
I bought this frequency as a trial and error kind of purchase and it seems to work better the most others I've tried that are not prescribed. I will try to use it more as I have more time goes on.
Leroy B.
I saw results in little more than a week and felt no side-effects. There isn't much more to say about this frequency. After all, it isn't a movie (with actors, a director, a composer who wrote a score etc.); it's just a product that is supposed to do a particular thing and, sure enough, it seems to do it. It worked for me! It's much cheaper (by far) that regular prostate medicine and I urge anyone with prostate troubles to give this frequency a chance.
Will Cummins
I been using this frequency for almost a week now and I hope it helps me with my prostate not to get larger. Hoping for good result
Orlando Popovich
I've been taking prostate supplements for years, it's fine, but not as good as this frequency. These frequencies are the best that I've ever used for my prostate. Very effective.
Johnny Brisco
Didn't seem to notice much difference in my urinary frequency or flow. I’ll give it more time.
Martina Nolasco
Our closest friend recommended my husband to use this frequency along with a pumpkin seed extract and his prostate numbers are so low for a man of 75 that his doctor cannot believe it. He told us he'd have to use it for life and that's ok. Love this company!
Douglas C.
Great frequency, it really helps me to reduce inflammation and the size of the prostate. This product has really helped me.
Vince D. Berger
I take at least 6 different supplements a day. This is the only thing I know is working. Not going to tell you how brutal it is to have some doctor shove a camera up your junk and give you some pill that won't do anything to help stage fright or flow.... save $ and that "you might feel a "SLIGHT" burning sensation when you pee (or your neighbors might hear it when you scream!). This frequency works! Flipping outstanding...
Johnson D.
Awesome frequencies. I've been using them for days now. Qilife gives an awesome customer service too.
Geoff K.
I have actually been using this frequency for almost 2 weeks now. Even at my age of nearly 70, by using this in spaced times daily, I rarely have to get up to use the bathroom more than once at night. And if I wasn't in the habit of drinking something well after 9:00 p.m., I'm sure I wouldn't have to get up at all. These things have really helped me, at least.
Steven Hash
I really like the results, this is better than the usual supplements that the pharmacist is selling me.
William Kerby
I just started using it so I can't give a self-satisfied review, however I can only tell you what a friend of mine told me. My friend told me that her father used it because he was experiencing some prostate problems, so by him using this frequency, his problems cleared up and he is no longer having problems.
Norman W.
This product is the same as what is found in other companies, but at a better price! Works great for reducing times needed to awake for bladder control of men.
Anthony Rose
As a man in my late 40’s I was having a problem where I would go to urinate very frequently. I started using this frequency and I eventually started going way less then I used to. This product definitely works!!
Sonny Monaghan
Nothing in life is free and we try to avoid pharmaceuticals when we can. This frequency provides a definite win and many more benefits as well.
Jack T.
Have not had this frequency for prostate very long, but I see results already. Good product!
Randall G.
I'm not a Dr., so this is merely anecdotal, but I have been using this frequency daily all the components of my Prostate health index have slightly but steadily declined (improved). I have really low scores to begin with so this is not necessarily relevant to guys who are struggling with prostate conditions, but for others who looked for a product after noticing some general signs of things not being what they once were... I was on a different product for years and while my scores stayed close to 0, they did go up until I switched to this frequency.
Michael Moore
I came across this product several weeks ago when I started noticing some weak stream issues, as I had been getting older and this sometimes happens. After just a couple of days on this frequency, I found that my system was working normally. It is not the cheapest of this type of product, but I can attest that this frequency works well for me with noticeable results.
William Mayes
I don't have any prostate issues at 65 years of age and I don't want any either. This frequency was recommended by a friend in a book I read on prostate health. I think of it as good food for your man gland.