Episode 1:
How to Attract Abundance with Meditation Technology Webinar

Category: Repeticiones de seminarios web

10 comentarios

  • This has been satisfying. I feel light and fulfilled.

    Theresa Davidson
  • This has been satisfying. I feel light and fulfilled.

    Theresa Davidson
  • Hiya David, I have a subscription to the basic frequencies and the higher abundance frequencies package on the QI LIFE app. I have been researching PEMFs, and have been ‘dilly dallying’ with the QILIFE store shopping cart. I just can’t afford it, I really would like to buy a coil, they sound and look amazing. I signed up for Klarna, and have the app. But because I am in Australia, for some reason I can’t get the Klarna financing through your store. Is it because it’s in America, and I’m not…? Anyway if there is anyway that you know of, so I can achieve my dream of owning a coil…PLEASE let me know. My name is Kirsty Martin
    Email: kirstynjoshy@outlook.com
    Thankyou for your time,
    Best wishes
    Kirsty Martin

    Kirsty Martin
  • Very relaxed

  • I would like for you to be my mentor I am an artist and also I make music I believe that David as my mentor will change my life… Peace and bless your soul.


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