Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection: Healing Sounds Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection: Healing Sounds Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection: Healing Sounds Higher Quantum Frequencies
Transformation Meditation Collection: Healing Sounds Higher Quantum Frequencies

Transformation Meditation Collection - Healing Meditation Frequency

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Remove Negative Energy and Transform Yourself Effortlessly

“I immediately began lucid dreaming. It was a blissful experience because right from the start I knew I was dreaming. I played with the world and interacted with the characters in my dream” - Walter W.

How would you feel if you can easily achieve a greater state of mental well being?

Wouldn’t that be a blissful experience in your life? To heal your mind and relieve your body from stress.

Well, just as the name of these sounds imply, this collection of meditation frequencies transforms your wellness and gives you the capacity to achieve success in life.

These Effective Frequencies Will:

  • Tune up your chakra
  • Improve your overall wellness
  • Attract positive energy to you
  • Clear blockages from your mind
  • Expand your consciousness
  • Relieve your body and mind from fatigue
  • Connect you to the universe
  • Enhance the quality of your life
  • Help you achieve success
  • Improve your Intuition
  • Cleanse your thoughts
  • Help you communicate with higher powers
  • Bring light into your life
  • Enhance your creativity

Not Only That, You’re About to Discover…

  1. ➡️

    Positive energies around

  2. ➡️

    How to dream vividly

  3. ➡️

    Path to spiritual awakening

While the collection would also give you the ability to…

  1. Remove negative energy from your life

  2. Accelerate your path to wellness

  3. Transform yourself effortlessly

So if you’re searching for ways to do these, I have good news for you because I will explain what these healing sounds are and how they work.

8 Higher Quantum Frequencies 104.6 MB

Quantum Frequency

Dark Side Purge

  • Cleanse your dark side
  • Let go of the past
  • Replace darkness with light
  • Remove negative energy
Quantum Frequency

Deep Transformation

  • Transform yourself in a deep profound way
  • Transform yourself effortlessly
  • Change from the inside out
  • Transform hidden parts of you that you may not be aware not
  • Remove deep, embedded blockages from your forgotten past
Quantum Frequency

Remove Blockages

  • Remove blockages on many levels
  • Remove physical, emotional, spiritual, financial blockages
  • Clear away what could be sabotaging you quietly
  • Accelerate your path to wellness and abundance
Quantum Frequency

Remove Negative Energy

  • Instantly remove negative energy on many levels
  • Remove negative energy from inside you, around you, or from a physical location
  • Remove negative emotional & spiritual energy that is wreaking havoc on your life
  • Banish and dispell dark and malevolent energies
  • Bring light and postitive abundant energy into your life
Quantum Frequency

Third Eye

  • Activate your third eye and pineal gland
  • Increase creativity
  • Enhanced Intuition, Insight and Imagination
  • Experience dreams more vividly
  • Better dream recall
  • Experience a spiritual awakening
Quantum Frequency

Aura Clean

  • Clean your aura
  • Remove darkness from your energetic body
  • Balance and brighten your aura
  • Let your colors shine
  • Enhance your personal vibe, ambience, glow and attractiveness
  • Attract positive energy to you
Quantum Frequency

Cleansing Energy

  • Cleanse yourself energetically
  • Cleanse on many levels
  • Improve and deepend meditations
  • Cleanse your thoughts, emotions, experiences and energy
  • Attract positive things and circumstances
Quantum Frequency

Celestial Body Expansion

  • Expand your energetic and astral body
  • Feel expanded and more in tune with the inifinite universe
  • Extend your consciousness beyond physical limitations
  • Communicate with higher powers
  • Experience altered states of consciousness
  • Experience a spiritual awakening

What Are These Healing Meditation Sounds?

These healing meditation sounds are musical sounds of different frequencies that are used to heal the mind and attract positive energies. These sounds take you on a journey to a higher consciousness when you align your frequency to it.

The chants that make up these frequencies originated from the 11th century in Italy by Guido of Arezzo when he taught music to a set of monastery choristers. According to science, the chants produced from the music they made resulted in these healing sounds used today.

How Do They Work?

Science believes that our body contains “energy frequencies”, and you can align your frequency to an external tone to heal your tissues and organs. Some of these sounds can be tuned to different frequencies to achieve special purposes. For instance, In 1988, biochemist Dr. Glen Rein made a discovery that confirmed these healing abilities when he tested the impact of different sounds on human DNA. This finding has increased the establishment of “music therapy” as a profession for healing the mind.

What are Higher Quantum Frequencies?

They are the Next Level of Frequencies that harness the Power of 4 Dimensions

Powerful Audio Frequencies That Contain Mathematical Representations of States of Consciousness. Emotions and Physical Well Being.

This is NOT- Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones, HemiSync, Affirmations, Subliminal Vocalizations, or Hypnosis.

  1. Rife Frequencies are Single Frequencies (1 Dimension)
  2. Binaural Beats are 2 Frequencies (2 Dimension)
  3. Quantum Frequencies are Multiple Frequencies (3 Dimension)
  4. Higher Quantum Frequencies are Dynamic Layers of Fields of Intention (4 Dimension)

Cutting-Edge Neuro Frequency Development

Quantum Frequency

World's Most Advanced Neuro Programs

Up to 5000 neural data signals per program. Competitor devices typically have 1-5 per program. We go beyond conventional PEMF frequencies and have developed hundreds of programs called “quantum frequencies” that produce many specific psychological, emotional and biological states.

Quantum Frequency

Molecular Mapping

All molecules have weight and geometry, by uncovering the active compounds in a substance, we can create a frequency profile for each compound and combine them to replicate its effects.

Quantum Frequency

Brainwave EEG sampling

Using a specific combination or sequences of frequencies can induce predictable responses in the brain. Where conventional devices will claim they can calibrate your brainwaves to states such as alpha, delta or theta, we take a giant a leap forward and program your mind for more precise states like calm, confident, positive, peaceful, creative, mindful. 

Quantum Frequency

Electromagnetic Noise Displacement

All substances, all our cells, and even our DNA emit an electromagnetic signature. By decoding these frequencies, we can alter how they interact with each other.

Quantum Frequency

Qi Life Proprietary Algorithms

With over 10 years of research, we have discovered unique ways for creating experiences in the mind and body through frequency. Integrating a culmination of multi-disciplinary approaches and hyper-dimensional math, we are able to create dynamic numerical models of distinct states of well-being, which are then composed into our higher quantum frequencies

Why Our Frequencies Are Worth Your Investment

Ease of Access - you can tune into a frequency of your choice while working/exercising, before bedtime or while meditating.

Effectiveness - We have had people who used our frequency and healed from their past, activated their third eye, unclog blockages from their life

Valuable - our frequencies are quite affordable compared to the overall makeover it gives to your life.

Everything in the universe, both physical and unseen realities

You might have tried to experience total connection to God.

I know there have been recommended programs that would promise to help you ascend and connect with God and some of these programs run into $300 membership or more.

While some classes for deep meditation might also cost $100 per month. But when compared to our collection of frequencies that have proven to work for our customers, you will find out you're only paying less to achieve the same results.

What Our Customers Experienced With These Frequencies...

“These frequencies definitely helped me to stay healthy, centered, and optimistic (as well as inspired) while completing my dissertation”

- Heidi H.

“I think I feel it right in the center of my head, a pulsing sensation. I feel more hopeful and focused”

- Kyle P.

Use the collection of our healing sounds to transform your overall well being now

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Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the after 48 hours.

This Frequency collection might be subject to License & Leasing Terms of Agreement. To view the complete Terms and Agreement Click Here.

Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.