32 Frequenzen zur Unterstützung des Bereichs Bioenergie für Frauen
Geliefert als Hi-Definition-Audio-MP3-Dateien.
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Verpflichtender FDA-Haftungsausschluss
Diese Audiodateien dienen nur zu Versuchszwecken und sindnicht dazu bestimmt, Krankheiten bei Menschen oder Tieren zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu lindern oder zu heilen. Diese ersetzen keine ärztliche Behandlung oder Verschreibungen und Sie sollten Ihren Arzt konsultieren, um beides zu unterbrechen. Alle oben aufgeführten gesundheitlichen Vorteilekönnen auftreten oder auch nicht und sind auf diemeditativen Effekte dieser Audiodateien zurückzuführen.
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Purchasing this product listing will also unlock the frequency(ies) in the members.qicoil.com after 48 hours.
This Frequency might be subject to License & Leasing Terms of Agreement. To view the complete Terms and Agreement Click Here.
Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner.
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David, the owner of the company, is so caring and genuinely wants to help people reclaim the health they desperately seek. I can’t tell you how many times over the past year he has reached out to me to see how I am doing. He always has amazing advice on how to take my health one step further towards being truly at peace and my body working in perfect harmony with each of its different systems, organs, etc. I am truly blessed in the best way possible with David’s products.
Jamie H.
This is my third order of frequency from Qilife, I'm also anxiously awaiting the other products that will be offered by this company. This is a company with high integrity and I really love that....and I also love that I'm supporting a smaller business and not a mega drug company.
Stacey W.
After a couple days of using this technology I noticed a huge improvement in my overall wellbeing and after a week of using it I had more energy than I can remember in at least a couple of years. Everyone around me is commenting on how well I look and they have noticed that I'm pretty near my old energetic self again.
Thomas Lawson
This frequency helps keep my achy joints and muscle pains away. When suffering from chronic illnesses, your body has a strong tendency towards pain all over because of the inflammation going on as a result of the illness. The body gets overwhelmed and can’t keep the inflammation from spreading to other systems of the body. This frequency helps fight that inflammation for me! I wake up feeling refreshed and no longer have to force myself to move…. I am amazed!
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