Sammlung: Quantenfrequenzen
Wissenschaftlich erprobte Frequenzen, mit denen du mit nur einem Klick die höchsten Ebenen der Meditation erleben kannst. Laden Sie sie einfach herunter und hören Sie sie während der Meditation oder den ganzen Tag über an!

World's #1 Frequency Technology Since 2017

Clinically Proven

Results in 30 Days Guaranteed
9 Solfeggio-Frequenzen für Transformations-Quantenmeditation
- Sonderpreis
- $97
- Normaler Preis
- $199
Star Frequencies Series - Äußere Körpererfahrungsmeditation
- Sonderpreis
- $37
- Normaler Preis
- $49
Infinities MAX-Serie: Leben im Überfluss, Glück und Vermögen
- Sonderpreis
- $47
- Normaler Preis
- $99
Third Eye Chakra Serie - Intuition und Voraussicht Meditation
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
Solarplexus-Chakra-Serie - Qi Energy Mental Power Meditation
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
Wurzelchakra-Serie - Zentrierende und erdende Meditation
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
Herz-Chakra-Serie - Meditation für Frieden, Liebe und Schönheit
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
Crown Chakra Series - Meditation zur spirituellen Erleuchtung
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
7 Chakra Tune Up Frequenzen - Aktivierung und Ausgleich
- Sonderpreis
- $27
- Normaler Preis
- $39
Kehlkopfchakra-Frequenzen - Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsmeditation
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
Sakral-Chakra-Frequenzen - Sinnlichkeits- und Kreativitätsmeditation
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
9 Solfeggio Frequenzen Wundertöne Transformation Meditation
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
852 Hz Innere Stärke Erwachen & Selbstverwirklichung Serie
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
7,83 Hz Schumann-Resonanz Advanced Brainwave Harmonics Series
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
417 Hz Rückgängigmachen von Situationen und Erleichtern von Veränderungsserien
- Sonderpreis
- $17
- Normaler Preis
- $29
Negative Energie entfernen KOSTENLOS | Beseitigen Sie Ängste, Sorgen und Stress sofort
- Sonderpreis
- $0
- Normaler Preis
- $49
Negative Energie entfernen KOSTENLOS | Beseitigen Sie Ängste, Sorgen und Stress sofort
- Sonderpreis
- $197
- Normaler Preis
- $497
What Are Quantum Frequencies?
Quantum frequencies are scientifically proven to help you experience the highest levels of meditation. These frequencies are tuned to the resonant frequencies of the earth the sea, the sun and moon and many other powerful celestial bodies.
Benefits Of Quantum Frequencies?
In our everyday life, negative energy can mainly cause anxiety and depression. With the use of Quantum Frequencies, it is easy wash away these negative energies with electromagnetics and acoustics.
Feel more optimistic
Improve and balance mood
attune to the creator
improve manifestation abilities
Helps reduce fatigue
How To Use It?
The Quantum frequencies are available in the mobile app. The body's "biofield" will be tuned when the frequency is activated either by sound alone or with one of our frequency harnessing technologies like our Qi Coils or Resonant Wands.
Quantum frequencies are scientifically proven to help you experience the highest levels of meditation. These frequencies are tuned to the resonant frequencies of the earth the sea, the sun and moon and many other powerful celestial bodies.
Benefits Of Quantum Frequencies?
In our everyday life, negative energy can mainly cause anxiety and depression. With the use of Quantum Frequencies, it is easy wash away these negative energies with electromagnetics and acoustics.
Feel more optimistic
Improve and balance mood
attune to the creator
improve manifestation abilities
Helps reduce fatigue
How To Use It?
The Quantum frequencies are available in the mobile app. The body's "biofield" will be tuned when the frequency is activated either by sound alone or with one of our frequency harnessing technologies like our Qi Coils or Resonant Wands.