Edgar K.
This probably only one of the product I have bought that really works. If you stay stressed out all the time, this is what I call my "Happy Pill" because it takes the stress away and calms you down. Honestly, before I bought this frequency I don’t believe that it will really works but I was really surprised. It works on me fine but everybody is not the same. Maybe it won’t work on someone else.
Richard C.
This frequency works fairly well. I had been noticing the adderall I have always taken, was now making me feel shaky. Not sure if I started to build a tolerance for it or not, but it seemed I needed more for the same effect. Except taking more adderall had only given me anxiety and / or shaky. I played around with my dosage, taking less / adding more - it felt like my body needed a break altogether. I researched some products on how to get off adderall and supplement with natural sources. I started using this frequency and it helped a tremendous amount. I use it before going to sleep. I've noticed that I also no longer need or want caffeine either. Bonus!
Hugo V.
I don't know if I could survive without this frequency, 10 years of insomnia could have been prevented if this frequency was available sooner. Occasionally I use it 1 hour before going to sleep if I had a stressful day, I fall asleep so peacefully. Sometimes I do wake up in the middle of the night still but that's a small setback for not having to deal with the drowsiness in the morning like all other sleep aids do to me. I love the idea that it is always available on your phone whenever you need it. I hope this review helps a lot.
Tyler S.
This stuff works great. Especially when it's like 2am and you can't fall back asleep, no morning grogginess even if I'm up at 5:30am
Viviana L.
This frequency work so well.... Almost too well that it became very addicting. I started using it last October and because I had suffered with insomnia and am not on a normal sleep schedule due to work... this was a godsend. I use it an hour before going sleep and would zonk right out. (I did have the weird dreams which melatonin is known for... but besides that- great sleep and no morning grogginess). Because they were so awesome- I started to use it every single night (and it was GREAT sleep!). My mistake was taking EVERY single night for a prolonged time instead of when I needed it. I finally had to stop because it was definitely effecting me. I will definitely keep them on in the event I have insomnia or need a good night of sleep. I don't know if it affects every female this way or what the other side effects people have had. But this was my experience. Was a bummer as they REALLY REALLY work great and having that quick solid sleep every night was awesome.
Dash J.
I have a very hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but the addition of this frequency to my nighttime routine has definitely helped! Thank you for this wonderful frequency. I will try it to my dad and see if it will change his sleeping habit.
John A.
I find this product to be effective and reasonably priced. For me it's not intended for long-term use so I only use it intermittently. It helps to ward off the effects of chronic stress while boosting energy.
Veda T.
This works. If you have ADD (attention deficit disorder) etc., you'll probably notice a difference using this frequency, especially. if you run out of meds and need something.
Roberto F.
This helps my mood, especially in the morning. I am more positive and upbeat and my wife noticed it right away.
Samson I.
My entire life I've been depressed and pretty hopeless. I'm pretty sure now that a lot of it had to do with having too many stimulants in my system at any given time (sugar, caffeine, alcohol, THC, nicotine, were the main ones) so my body I guess either never made enough dopamine, or just forgot how to make it. Either way, I was sitting in my living room without a single reason to be feeling crappy (work is great, friends are awesome, dog is healthy, I'm physically in the best shape I've been in a long time) yet still feeling incredibly hopeless and lonely, all the bad stuff. My friend told me to check this frequency and my life has completely flipped upside down for the better. In the course of one month, I effortlessly quite smoking after almost 30 years, bodybuilding results have soared, zero depression or anxiety, my dog is happier because I'm happier, hooked up with 3 women in one week after literally a year and a half of having no attention from the opposite sex, I have dreams again, vivid awesome dreams, lost my desire for sugar and caffeine, socially I'm now the Gemini I've been reading about all these years (super social and can't get enough of people in general), stopped drinking alone at home, and basically broke every bad habit I developed over the course of my life because I've been depressed. I still can't believe it hasn't stopped working putting me back at square one like every other thing I've tried to help myself.
Rowen A.
I have a low grade form of depression that comes and goes. Sometimes it lingers a little longer than I'd like. I bought this frequency last month and I noticed it helped me within a few days. I even stopped using it for a few days and definitely noticed I was grumpier and sadder on those days that I didn't use it. It may not work for everyone and I certainly didn't have a lot of expectations. It's definitely worth a try!
Madison B.
"Hi, and thanks! It made my day, made me much more positive and made me see possibilities. rather than obstacles. Good one!"
Clark P.
Wow! This works amazingly well! This frequency is reported to really take the edge off obsessive, compulsive thoughts, worries and behaviors. A good example is for those going through acute relationship stress or heart-rending breakups. You cannot stay at home pacing all day every day, wracked with worries and be 'ok'. If you are so distracted by your concerns that it is severely impacting your daily work an your critically important overall general feelings of wellbeing, then you should really try this frequency! Try a minimum play time of 2 hours looped on its own and notice how much more grounded and centered you become. Notice how you start to get more control over all those scattered and agitated thought patterns AND notice how you start being able to actually focus on the things that actually matter the most and how easier it is to just let go and get on with your life. If there was one frequency I would not ever want to be without if I were suffering acute worry, it would be this one!
Gina D.
Emotionally I felt fine. I was not disturbed or afraid. I was simply amazed. Ride through tunnels was giving me joyfully sensations. Near the beginning of the session I was feeling and seeing in my mind huge cloudy waves coming out of me and coming back. Soon I have dived in them and found myself 'at the other side' looking at them. I was not in the center of them, but they were still there. Also, the image of planet Saturn was appearing occasionally. I am not sure why. Saturn is my ruling planet. Colors that I have seen where in a scale of black towards the shades of gray, and occasionally the circular shape of metallic blue color appeared. The circle has ability to morph and change. To go inside and outside self.
Beverly C.
“Alertness, energy, wakefulness, libido stimulation and a feeling of being full of life. It also seemed that the shields have something to do with the circulation system (not sure about this): waves of heat, tingling at the back of my neck, warm hands, warm feet (my hands and my feet are always cold.” “I have listened to Saturn Shield (all four tracks, looped) several times now with very interesting results. Wow, Doc. Less than 5 minutes into the program (G1 track), I immediately feel clearer and able to focus. It's like entering into a zone" or "flow" state level. I start working faster, making less mistakes, humming along and getting things done. It feels great. It has happened each time I listen. One time I had a bit of sore lower back (I woke up with it, not the kind that manifests after a long day) -- it disappeared after listening to the frequencies. I have taken several tests which show I might have a couple kinds of ADD, at least I experience similar symptoms. These frequencies seem to really help me "do" things. And that is a great blessing. These frequencies seem to give fresh energy and movement, like they energetically unravel that starry knot. Wow!” “Another great winner, Doc. I am in awe of you and your work” “I started out with this calm, powerful feeling, and got into a lot of problems, that I solved... I´m usually to impatient to endure such an amount of resistance without giving up. And get side-tracked.”
Brandon P.
I realized that I had gotten so absorbed in the physical effects of the sounds, and more or less missed a few psychological effects. I realised for the first time that I actually feel younger, in a way I have missed for years. I realised that I enjoyed listening to all kinds of music in a way that felt like beeing twenty again. I found myself doing things that I have postponed for years, picking up where I left of ages ago. I have more energy, and it feels good to work!
Harry H.
Well it started as a warming of the body, then my focus was captured with how energy was moving around within my mind. It started out as a simple bouncing of energy moving in a figure 8 motion between the two sides of my mind, crossing in the center, or corpus clustrum (not sure of spelling), then it went from one path to many spreading out like a flower but all paths crossed at the same point.
Jose S.
At 30 mins I felt a cool sensation at my hara (mid-section) and radiating outward. Then a warm feeling in my lower right side. Then a cool sensation moving down the inside of my legs. Had the volume at medium volume and 3 feet away from speakers this time. Took a break. 6:00pm Continuing later in the day with good energy and spirits. Using the headphones this time, I notice I am very focused and feel very connected to my environment. After 30 mins. I am starting to flush and feel heat in my body. This is particularly on Bio. Getting quite warm in my kidney area. Then a warm sensation at my sacral chakra. Session ends with energy, focus with a sense of peace & calm. Clairaudient abilities seem to be opening up and centered around the dreamstate.
Peter N.
Thanks for this info, very interesting. As an astrologer and medium for 20 years, I have come up against nay sayers, as well as those trying to prove what I do with science again and again. At first it was exhausting and frustrating, but my connection to it is undeniable, as well as everyone's innate connection to it, whether acknowledged or not. The unseen is real, it is energy that is quantifiable, and we have to have other dormant senses developed to "read" that energy. Your star frequencies are one way of amplifying that energy, directing it to the brain through sound to encourage that dormant part to grow. Star frequencies, alongside astrology, meditation, intuitive development and other "spiritual technologies" are all out there to help just about everybody!!
Jayde C.
I use this product to help give me motivation and focus! I’m so happy that I found it because now I don’t need to take adderall.
Kristine H.
It works, it helped to lower my high prolactin, stopped my headache, fatigue, dizziness. Give me lots of energy.
Kamden G.
For the price, I recommend this purchase if you struggle with mild to moderate depression. I've tried 3 times now, each time stopping for a few weeks. I notice loss of motivation and a return to norm after 2-3 weeks without it. Then when I resume using this frequency, I notice increased focus and motivation within a few days. Could be placebo, but for the price, I'm content to keep using it.
Lillie P.
I just purchase mine yesterday night, after a long hard day at work then grocery shopping afterwards I was tired, tense, and stressed. I listen to it every morning and before going to sleep for a week and I was very surprised how I began feeling this very soothing sensation from my head to my body trickling throughout my system, I felt a mild warming feeling taking over me, very relaxing (mild but noticeable) it really took the edge off from my day. I did not think I would feel so at ease with this frequency, I bought it just to see if it actually helped with my daily stress and tension.
Niko H.
I've experienced an overall lift in my mood. It has a very subtle calming effect. I like this frequency. It makes me feel like everything will be alright. My libido has been through the roof.
Gloria W.
I use this frequency because it makes me feel happy and not depressed ...I live alone so …..I really feel this makes me feel better especially in winter when I am in the house more and there is less sun.
Seth C.
If you have any medication that you are taking that is depleting your Dopamine or if you constantly feel depressed, this frequency may be perfect for you. It is also proven effective to enhance your sexual libido, and general mood overall. Use this frequency along with vitamin B6 to maximize the effects and absorption of the Dopa. Great for daily use if you find yourself often depressed or feeling down.
Winston E.
I'm sure there's someone else out there looking for a review like mine, because I searched tirelessly for something that I could use to substitute for my ADHD medication and this is it. I didn't stop taking my medication entirely, but I needed something to boost the potency of my prescription... and here it is.
Garrett A.
Love this frequency. I am a former addict. Young adult. Spent most of my younger years smoking, drinking, and abusing other things. After discovering this frequency I stumbled and thought I'd give it a try. Here's what happened. I went from intermittently okay in bed to ready to go. Felt like I had the energy to live my life the way I want to watch is active and happy. It helped me develop an even more positive outlook on life. I have more confidence than ever. I noticed the color or glow in my skin came back. There are probably more ways this frequency has helped me but those are the highlights. Do your own research and make your own decision. It's worked for me!
Alicia M.
I’m a 54 yr. old female & I’ve battled with general fatigue, no energy or motivation to do anything, and just general feeling bad for a number of years. Have tried lots of supplements and various other stuff, looking for a miracle that will help me feel good again. I stumbled across this while doing some research and I purchased it. Started out just using one in the morning and one on the evening. Honestly, I can’t say that I noticed a difference immediately, but I do think it helped. Because I’m the kind of person that gets distracted and doesn’t pay attention to my body sometimes because if things are going well I get busy and don’t take notice. But a few days ago I was just feeling really bad one day and I was thinking, man why do I feel so bad? Then I realized I hadn’t using this frequency in about five days. Hmmm ... so I went back on it and actually used it for 30 minutes at one time in the morning. Noticed a difference right away. So there you go- I don’t know if it was coincidence or not, but it was a significant enough observation that I thought I should share.
Lucy B.
I bought this frequency because after years of methamphetamine addiction, my serotonin and dopamine receptors we're destroyed. When this happens your brain doesn't produce your "happy receptors" on its own making it difficult to stop self-medicating. I'd tried everything. I researched ways to help stimulate those receptors and found this frequency. I started using it two a day, one in the morning and evening along with a Vitamin high in all the B vitamins. I've never had such an easy time quitting! I wasn't grumpy or tired! Also since menopause I completely lost all interest in sex. This will also improve your sex drive and mood! This stuff is amazing! The seller is helps me a lot and made a better person. Thanks a lot
Kayson J.
Love this frequency. A little background on me first, I’ve suffered from depression since I was a child. It comes and it goes, but mostly comes. I have tried every SSRI out there, and I always seemed to get the worst side effects. The last one I took left me with terrible thoughts, and quite possibly the worst mental state I’ve ever been in in my life. So I vowed to never take another SSRI, because really, I don’t want to have thoughts I’m killing someone. Not cool at all. Sooo, I researched. And I keeeept researching.. and I came across this. I didn’t have much hope, I’ve spent years trying to find something, anything to help me just be happy.. all I wanted was to be happy, and have some motivation to get out of bed. This is it you guys. This wonderful frequency saved me. The first day I used it, I just felt like a new person. Very positive thoughts, no issues getting motivated... I just wish I would have found it sooner I would probably be a damn neurosurgeon by now. lol! Seriously. Try it. If you’re deficient in dopamine, it may just make your world a beautiful balanced place. If you aren’t, well it was still worth the try. Good luck to everyone out there suffering. It’s not easy but don’t give up on finding the one thing that works for you. You will.
Calvin E.
I'm using this frequency for a while and I think it has a good impact on me, it lifts my mood and maybe even make my sleep better. I'm new to this frequency thing but so far I feel that it has the same benefits on me. I tried other products from this company and I think their products are pretty good - this one is no exception.
Eric F.
It seemed to me that just a minute or so into Hyperspace Evolver, the screen of my computer, some eight feet in front of me seemed to grow larger and I could easily read the small print for a while....it did not last long but it was quite noticeable. Later in the evening, as I played a bit on my synth, I managed to play a little sequence with my right hand, had it going autonomously, and got another sequence going with my left hand, quite independently. I´m a guitar player, mainly and this improvising with the left hand on a keyboard is a first for me, while still playing a melody with the right. Some kind of effect on the right-left brain balance, I´d guess.
Ruby R.
I am able to take on big projects and can negotiate with people and go for and get the big prize
Ashton M.
"I have this monthly article to write, was supposed to finish it two days ago, but couldn’t write a word. The subject, the ideas, even the title were all in my head. But each time I try to write it down I end up - after hours and hours of desperate attempts - with nothing. In general, most of my past days were not bright; many ups and downs, lack of any motive to go on, no will to wake up in the morning, no interest in anything at all.. not to mention how bad I feel because I can’t concentrate on my work. Yesterday I decided to give (me) a huge boost. So I listened to the following set – or sets - of frequencies: Relieve Anxiety, Magnetic Attraction | Soul Mate, Qi Energy Boost, Attract Abundance, Luck Boost - listened to these frequencies the whole day. And yes I was overcharged!! And heal via many levels. When I went to bed I was exhausted and slept quicker than usual. But This morning when I opened my eyes I did not need the same daily scenario to convince (me) to leave the bed! The first thing I noticed was the overwhelming urge to just finish the morning deeds and sit down to write my article. The third thing was the all over lightness I felt: inside and outside. I finished the article within two hours. Dealt with the outside world in a nice way. Well, I even heard a compliment or two from people I never met before.
Debra L.
Previous to this experiment I had been playing Aura Sweep and a few other frequencies, all through an ipod. My general state on beginning this experiment was one of well-being and that has not changed. Immediately on playing these new frequencies I found that the high pitched sounds seemed to be playing right in the top of my head, .....This happened no matter where I was in the (small) room but ceased when I left the room. It was bizarre, but I found it to be almost addictive. After about 30 min, I took a short break and noticed that there seemed to be a pulsing or waving (neither is the right word) going to and fro in my brain. I had the feeling that my neural pathways were "flexing their muscles".
Victoria A.
I have listened to Brain Boost - Concentration (all tracks, looped) several times now with very interesting results. Wow!!! Less than 5 minutes into the program, I immediately feel clearer and able to focus. It's like entering into a zone" or "flow" state level. I start working faster, making fewer mistakes, humming along, and getting things done. It feels great. It has happened each time I listen. I started out with this calm, powerful feeling, and got into a lot of problems, that I solved... I´m usually too impatient to endure such an amount of resistance without giving up. And get side-tracked
Jerry M.
Just listened to space warp and my 4 year old decided to give me a full explanation of what gravity is.... he says the sounds told him! Im so freaked out, i swear he didnt know what gravity was before, he's 4!
Patrick S.
A set of just do it, job well done…These manifestation frequencies seem to give a boost and become more stable when listens to them and I feel some accomplishments done easily
Allan C.
This post caught my attention because i've also experienced the lights and colors ....the colors are strong blue, green and purple. Also i've starting seeing a bright blue pinpoint of light that appears infrequently out there.
Francis A.
Appreciate the thoughtfulness of subjects. BTW, my sore feet are less sore. I simply wanted to experience multiple layers of sound. Sorta’ takes your mind off of up close and personal. Nothing really can get to you that way, yet all that extra input is wild to experience. Best wishes for a very good time
Kenneth W.
Hi folks, i was wondering if sound frequencies also carry light/colours in themselves.? Well today ive been hearing the frequency for 2 hours. Then i stopped. Two hours ago we had a magnetic storm and the power went off in the whole town. then i decided to meditate for 20 minutes. when i was meditating, i saw waves, like energy waves, that have a sound like, chiiiii,chiiiii and colour. first a wave was blue, another one was green. So it could be doc frequencies also have colours and that our cells also have colour in themselves.?: Then i remembered the old philosophers used to talk about depression as the " dark night of the soul". So maybe sickness is a lack of light/colour in our brain cells, due to emotional trauma, to guilt and so. It could be Doc frequencies turned on the light/ colour in the cells eliciting new behaviour that attracts or open a new magnetic field with new lights/colour patterns? indians say our chakras have sound and colour! just to think!
Victoria A.
I have listened to Brain Boost - Concentration (all tracks, looped) several times now with very interesting results. Wow!!! Less than 5 minutes into the program, I immediately feel clearer and able to focus. It's like entering into a zone" or "flow" state level. I start working faster, making fewer mistakes, humming along, and getting things done. It feels great. It has happened each time I listen. I started out with this calm, powerful feeling, and got into a lot of problems, that I solved... I´m usually too impatient to endure such an amount of resistance without giving up. And get side-tracked
Amelia F.
"The exact feeling I get when listening to the frequencies - it’s as if my heart is connected to the energy - it’s a buzzing feeling in my chest that pulses with the frequency beats. Right now I am listening to manifestation. These frequencies seem to jump inside of you and become a part of the rhythm of your body if that makes sense. I love it."
Scott P.
After the auditory playing, but with the inaudible still playing, I experienced the void - conscious but in a different state - or maybe I just passed out O;) - for about 15 minutes. And no, I’m on no drugs or mood altering substances. I have been a Student of Spirit for years, and also teach and channel, so am open to learning and BEing, in Service to ONE. I say this to emphasize that this was a powerful Experience. And with no attachment, I look forward to see what’s next! Thank you for this beautiful and amazing Gift!
Jackson M.
My flatmate has been playing your frequencies constantly (at home, work, mp3 player) approximately for the last 4 months. I started to notice the changes that would take place in our home… We’re jovial people by nature, but the energy flux and flow has been high and vibrantly positive. At any rate, I’ve begun doing 30-40 minute intense focus & energy sessions each night, Either repeating the 10-minute or 3 or 4 times. The effects have been ridiculous, to say the least. Whatever it is you do and have done and will do is a gift of colossal harmony. Physically, spiritually, mentally, metaphysically, and beyond, have these areas been adjusted to a degree so comfortable and steady... it’s as if I’ve been put back in tune. Anyway, basically this is a thank you letter. You’re aware of your powers and you use them for the better of us all and that warrants a kudos. I also took the liberty of using a 2-minute clip of the inner peace & joy feel-good elixir and gave it a musical redux. It was an inspired and spontaneous moment. Keep the peace.
Timothy F.
it’s as if my heart is connected to the energy - it’s a buzzing feeling in my chest that pulses with the frequency beats….These frequencies seem to jump inside of you and become a part of the rhythm of your body…manifestation -surging inner strength
Virginia S.
after the first listening, the edema/bogginess of the sclera is almost disappeared! it looked like ’jelly eye’ - and yes, that IS a technical term - was just about gone! I haven’t noted an improvement in vision and my eyes still feel strained, still shiny sometimes after hours of work. So, I find this structural change significant, and wanted to share also in terms of processing there has been a change in prioritizing and identifying issues for me especially personally - Thank you
Annabelle R.
It was not during the time it was played. It was shortly after. I listened, emailed, and went up to the shower. My emerging abilities have amplified in the last few days and I haven’t really had time to meditate with my crystals or anything else. There I just do not know. This is all a little new to me and I am not quite used to it yet but I will start using this more frequently.
Shirley P.
gave a reaction in the stomach-area first. That was the very first time-reaction. Since then have made my eye-sight a boost at times, but nothing lasting yet. I have noticed a slight improvement in my ability to concentrate at times, after using. I have at times been wondering if I suffer from ADD. I have native Sun closely opposite Uranus, which may be indicative of a nervous system-problem
Kyle P.
I think I feel it right in the center of my head, a pulsing sensation. I feel more hopeful and focused.
William W.
I have been using the three brain boost-frequencies just a little each first, to see if one I reacted to anyone in a noticeable way. And this felt an impact very soon in the head-area. shortly gave me a feeling of pressure in the head, and for a short while my eyes felt clearer
Rachel R.
I had the experience when looking at my own chart I saw good things…challenges that I would savor overcoming to be victorious…a bit dramatic, but that was the feeling
MIchelle B.
As I sit after listening to what I think will be now my daily regimen, at least in the A.M., I am struck with the effects that sound has on the physical structure. That is, especially in the subtle tissues like neurons and synapses. Case in point, I don’t hesitate in expressing myself just the way it comes out. No coloring, no bravado, no bullshit.
Sean M.
I did feel lighter, less tired, in a state of focused flow. I’m listening now without Cosmic Driver, and we’ll see what else. I now find the sounds pleasant, hearing the musicality.
Jade G.
My review of brain boost accelerator: Very shooting effect, makes me feel the sound of the raindrops falling. The “bit bit” background sound acts like a diapason who made a synchronization effect on my brain waves. I like it!
Caroline C.
Amazing, adrenalin rush, pounding pulse. Cannot keep my cat off my keyboard and my Border Collie is hyper-excited. I was feeling pretty down when I started playing this, now after 10 mins of looping it I have a buzz in my head, feel high, and HUNGRY! And, of course, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel D.
When meditating with the sound of the sun frequency, all doubts fears just seemed to vanish.
Daniel D.
I won $50 dollars after listening to this in the car.
Michael A.
Felt Great, Never has such an boost of luck in such short time
Gurpreet G.
Amazing results!! I felt more energy, lighter, more focused. People are noticing the change in me as I have been listening to this every morning. Feel this is going to be my constant routine due to these effects!! Cannot wait for what happens next!!!
Rafael M.
For the first time since months, I felt so energetic and happy for no apparent reason. It also seemed that I attracted a lot of positive energy and this energy was contagious, it made other people happy or at least not gloomy at work. I wish I could know the secret of these frequencies. Does it really do such things? What is it for? What is that sparking thing within it? But all in all this is a better result for me.
Sir Christopher C.
David Wong is extremely impressive, no lie, I saw an ad on Facebook or YouTube less than 1 week ago. Very impressed by his inventions and Martial Art Mastery, along with this incredible comprehensive working knowledge of energy & frequency. As I write this I'm listening to this Luck Boost on my windows Media player about 11X for the first time this morning. It sounds a bit like the reprograming for C3P0! The stories of others life transformation is inspiring and I'll report back as I see more results in my own life, and report back to you in the very near future! Can't wait to keep learning!
Debra S.
Luck is when the dreams and intentions meet with reality .... I've been dreaming with intention for many months to transition my career path. After playing the Luck vibration, I saw, felt and experienced the connection of my mind and wanting to the actual path to reality. Instead of visualizing the opportunities, I received 5 positive requests for interviews for positions I have been waiting for.
Hannah M.
Fuzzy Logic is a term that comes to mind. It definitely works at a more subtle level of the mind. Brain activity is more active. Potent. Pressure at the temples. Pleasure principle center. Unified field image present.
Tyson C.
I like the product. It is nice to listen to.
Eyad A.
I had some good experiences for a couple of days !.
Hirushan S.
"Hirushan S.
Very powerful!"
Mary L.
More focused, better balance
Jay S.
I´ve felt sluggish lately, not sleeping enough, traveling and working a lot. I´ve done this with a mix of colloidal silver, green tea extract, and a mix of essential oils. Very powerful. I´ve been active every minute!! I´m VERY impressed, and not a bit tired yet…
Heidi H.
these frequencies definitely helped me to stay healthy, centered, and optimistic (as well as inspired) while completing my dissertation.
Taroiu R.
I wanted to share my experience listening to these frequencies for about 20 min last night. Very, very blissful and it brought me back into focus and I've experienced that thoughtless calm that everyday life that doesn't bend to me takes away. I felt this very calm, blissful feeling which made me so happy. some frequency made me feel tired and sleepy but a happy tired sleepy feeling.
Mick L.
frequencies to alleviate planetary pressures! Is that even possible? Well, there are lots of remedies in Astrology believed to help with
Kay R.
My five senses improved. it was a pleasant experience, and interesting. I felt some tingling in my spine once, at about 30 minutes into it, Then just enjoyed the flow. I have a qi coil system I've been using on
penny t.
This was hugely beneficial to my body in my meditation along with the coils. I would recommend!
Melinda G.
I already own this CD. I use it every day......
Mary H.
I really relaxed and enjoyed my Pineal Gland Activation tracks. Thanks!
Averÿ M.
good use for me while studying and also helps me with my meditation and next step for me is to get myself a wand or qi coil
Reeve A.
I often use my resonant console to feel relax and gives a calming effect in my surrounding. I do even share this with my family however I checked that this will work better with qi coil and wand, I cannot wait to get your other products
Joyce .
at first I have only tried one frequency in of your youtube videos but now that I have resonant console I could try them all in a day while waiting for my qi coils and wand
Andre L.
I would like to express my appreciation for getting my console and my upgrade of getting a wand. this is a very special gift for which I am very grateful and for the assistance
Teodolfo .
very useful and thousands of frequencies to choose to enhance my body and mind needs. I can't wait to use this with my wand
Rosemerce S.
using this console has been part of my everyday routine and I get to use this with my qi coil and wand. I am into your quantum frequencies, so great!
Roger D.
thank you for this wonderful product and for the customer support as I really need this tool asap, for the effort to send this to me asap! the frequencies here are so better
Kelsey M.
I am glad that my satisfaction with a product is met in having this console and made the right choice, thanks!
Jun W.
I try to use this every day for 30 minutes and it's very good! I get a lot of energy next day.
Leslie J.
this really helped mainly pain management and healing. I'm more interested in the increased focus and creativity under the meditation
Donnie .
I'm on a mission to share this and I know what you have is helping people. You will get more people than you know what to do with one day. God bless you all for you are doing it's finally the right way to get better.
Kwame A.
Another good one for sure
Kwame A.
Great one I love it
Mart R.
Helps a person strengthen immune system to fight infections
Lydia K.
Headache is gone!!! Even the graphics are soothing…thank you
Lindsay A.
It’s helping, I breathe more better. Wow this is nice
Deborah .
Thank you David Wong for sharing. This started helping immediately. After just 15 minutes, I could tell a huge difference in my lungs and breathing
Kierra N.
My lungs and chest feel so clear and open after listening to this, wow!