EMF Mitigation Shield Cymatic 528 Hz: For Cellular Regeneration & Wellness.
EMF Mitigation Shield Cymatic 528 Hz: For Cellular Regeneration & Wellness.
EMF Mitigation Shield Cymatic 528 Hz: For Cellular Regeneration & Wellness.
EMF Mitigation Shield Cymatic 528 Hz: For Cellular Regeneration & Wellness.

EMF Mitigation Shield Cymatic 528 Hz: For Cellular Regeneration & Wellness.


Enhance Your Meditation Practice with Quantum Disk Cymatic

Take your meditation practice to the next level with the Quantum Disk Cymatic. This innovative energy disk emits waves of repair shapes, promoting DNA repair, increased energy, and elevated consciousness. Use it in your meditation space or place it on a chakra point for passive use. 

The New Sound Healing Technology for DNA Repair and Vital Energy

Discover the power of the Quantum Disc, which uses cymatics to generate waves of shapes from the universal and beneficial sound of 528 Hz. This energy disk promotes DNA repair, enlightenment of the mind, and elevation of consciousness, making it a must-have for anyone seeking holistic healing and increased vitality.

By using the disk during meditation, you can tune into the frequency of 528 Hz and allow the healing vibrations to flow through your body, mind, and spirit, promoting greater harmony and balance in your life. The disk's cymatics technology can also help you visualize the sound waves and their effects on your body, which can deepen your meditation experience and help you gain a better understanding of the connection between sound and consciousness.

Harness the Power of Cymatics with the 528 Hz Energy Disc for Holistic Healing

  • Promotes DNA repair and rejuvenation
  • Facilitates deep relaxation and stress relief
  • Enhances meditation and spiritual practice
  • Increases energy levels and vitality
  • Boosts immune system function
  • Improves mood and emotional well-being
  • Enhances cognitive function and mental clarity
  • Facilitates connection with higher states of consciousness
  • Promotes overall health and well-being


  • Diameter: 100mm
  • Thickness: 1.6mm
  • Metal: copper and gold
  • Material: Resin
  • Color: Mystic Violet

Frequently asked questions

How does the Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz work?+

The disc uses cymatics to generate waves of shapes from the universal and beneficial sound of 528 Hz. These waves are believed to promote DNA repair, enlightenment of the mind, and elevation of consciousness.

How do I use the Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz?+

Simply place the disc on a flat surface and use it as a base for your meditation or healing practices. You can also carry it with you throughout the day to benefit from its energy.

Is the Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz safe to use?+

Yes, the disc is completely safe to use and has no negative side effects. However, it should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.

Can the Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz really promote DNA repair?+

While the scientific evidence is limited, some studies suggest that sound frequencies can influence the expression of genes and promote DNA repair. The 528 Hz frequency in particular has been associated with positive health effects.

How long does it take to see the benefits of the Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz?+

The effects of the disc may vary depending on the individual and their particular needs. Some people may feel the benefits immediately, while others may need to use it regularly for several weeks or months to notice significant changes.

Elevate your consciousness and experience holistic healing with the power of Quantum Disk Cymatic 528 Hz

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