Gold Practitioner System Plus
Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Practitioner System Gold 2
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Resonant Wand Gold Practitioner System Plus
Gold Practitioner System Plus
Gold Practitioner System Plus
Gold Practitioner System Plus

Resonant Zauberstab Gold Practitioner System Plus

Normaler Preis

Das ultimative metaphysische System für Wellness und Transformation

System beinhaltet:

  • Resonant Zauberstab Gold  ($6.995 Wert)
  • 3 x Resonanzringe (Wert von 1995 $)
    • 6 Citrin-Edelsteine
    • 6 Quarzsteine
    • 6 Blautopas-Edelsteine
  • Aura Coil 2 Gold Saphir - 5 Level ($6.995 Wert)
  • Resonante Konsole 2 (7 358 $ Wert)
  • Gesamtwert: 23.343 $
  • Ersparnis: 10.348.00 $

Einführung des Resonant Zauberstab Gold Plus



  • Wunderschön von Hand gefertigt
  • Einzigartiges Design und Kodierung der heiligen Geometrie
  • Exquisite Saphir- und Rubin-Edelsteine
  • Reines Saphirglas
  • 24 Karat Gold geschichtetes Gesicht
  • Elegantes Gold-Satin-Finish
  • Unglaublich langlebig
  • Zusätzliche Citrin-, Quarz-, Blautopas-Edelsteinenergie aus Resonanzringen

    5 leistungsstarke Wellness-Technologien in 1:

    1. 10.000+ Rife-Frequenzen 
    2. 822+ Quantenfrequenzen
    3. PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)
    4. Rubin- und Saphir-Edelsteine ​​und Quarzkristallionentherapie
    5. Quantum Subtile Energietherapie

    Jetzt bestellen und diese Boni erhalten Kostenlos!

    Resonant Wave Practitioner-Kurs (Wert 497 USD)

    Ein 7-wöchiger Online-Kurs zur optimalen Verwendung Ihres neuen Resonant Wand, Aura Coil und Resonant Console zu Hause oder in Ihrer Praxis.

    Resonant Zauberstab Premium-Gehäuse aus Goldlegierung (Wert von 249 USD)

    Schlank und stilvoll gestaltete Tragetasche, mit der Sie Ihren Resonanzstab und Ihre Resonanzkonsole einfach transportieren und schützen können.

    Ganzheitliche Wellness-Einzelberatung (95 $ Wert)
    Sprechen Sie mit unserem ganzheitlichen Wellness-Berater, um 30 Minuten lang ein erfolgreicher Anwender und Anwender Ihres Resonanzwellengeräts zu werden!

    Online-Tutorials und -Schulungen 
    Das Resonanzstab-System ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das auf einer uralten Wellness-Technologie basiert. Dieses Tutorial enthält ausführliche Lektionen zur Nutzung Ihres Systems mit seinen vollen Möglichkeiten.

    3 Jahre eingeschränkte Garantie
    Alle Systeme werden mit einer eingeschränkten 3-Jahres-Garantie geliefert (kann auf maximal 10 Jahre erweitert werden)


    Beginnen Sie mit unserem umfassenden Leitfaden, damit Sie das Produkt ohne Verzögerung verwenden können. Wir haben relevante Schritte für die Installation und Video-Tutorials für Ihre Bequemlichkeit aufgenommen.


    Technischer Support 7 Tage die Woche
    Der technische Support ist immer 7 Tage die Woche verfügbar

    Was macht das Resonanzstabsystem so erstaunlich?

      Die Heilung der Natur zum Greifen nah: 

      Über 10.000 leistungsstarke Frequenzen versteckt in der Natur sind jetzt entschlüsselt und für Sie zu Hause zugänglich!

      Energiemedizin vom Feinsten:

      Endlich gesund werden, wie es die Natur vorgesehen hat, und die körpereigenen Heilungsprozesse aktivieren ohne Medikamente oder invasive Verfahren 

      Setzen und vergessen:

      Schalten Sie es einfach ein und erhalten Sie rund um die Uhr einen Gesundheitsschub!

      Kontaktlose drahtlose Energie

      Schützen Sie Ihr gesamtes Zuhause und jedes Lebewesen darin mit einem Wirkungsfeld von bis zu 30 m Durchmesser.

      Lebendige Kunstwerke, die tatsächlich funktionieren

      Mit den verborgenen Geometrien und Frequenzen der Natur ausgestattet, die die Energie Ihres Hauses rund um die Uhr erhöhen! Eine wirklich tiefgreifende Erfahrung.

      NASA1 Inspirierte Technologie

      NASA1 hat bewiesen, dass es funktioniert, wir haben es verbessert. Die nächste Generation der PEMF-Technologie "Pulsed Electromagnetic Field".


      Bequeme Heimnutzung für die ganze Familie

      Erhöhen Sie Ihre Bioenergie

      Unterstützt die Energierückgewinnung

      Großartig für Senioren

      Unterstützt die Vitalität

      Steigert Energie und Produktivität 



      Für Wellness und inneren Frieden

      Verbessert die Konzentration und geistige Schärfe

      Fördert bessere Schlafgewohnheiten
      Tiefgründige Meditation

      Bessere Stimmung

      Angst und Stress abbauen


      Für Ihr Unternehmen und Ihre Gemeinschaft

      Spas, Meditationszentren, Schwimmbecken, Heiligtümer
      Sportliches Hochleistungstraining
      Tierärzte, Wildtierschutz
      Verbesserung von Wasser und Nahrungsmitteln, biologischer Landbau
      Wellness für große Gemeinden, Organisationen und Arbeitsplätze
      Wellnesspraktiker, Kliniken, Rehabilitationszentren   

      ***WICHTIG*** Verstärker ist nicht enthalten.  

      Um die Haltbarkeit unseres Systems zu erhöhen, haben wir uns entschieden, einen externen Verstärker zu integrieren. Sie müssen einen Verstärker separat kaufen, um das System zu betreiben. Wir empfehlen, diesen zu kaufen: 

      Crown XLS (bei Amazon kaufen)

      Verpflichtender FDA-Haftungsausschluss: 
      Bei den angebotenen Produkten handelt es sich weder um medizinische Geräte noch um elektrische Geräte, noch wurden sie von der FDA oder Health Canada bewertet. Wenn Sie sich für den Kauf unserer Produkte entscheiden, ziehen Sie Ihre eigene Meinung zu den zusätzlichen Vorteilen oder der Verwendung dieser Produkte. Die Studien, Videos, Erfahrungsberichte und Links auf unserer Website und anderen Medien dienen nur zu Referenzzwecken. Diese sind nicht dazu bestimmt, Krankheiten zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu heilen oder zu verhindern. Konsultieren Sie immer Ihren Arzt, bevor Sie eines unserer Produkte verwenden. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, handelt es sich bei keinem der Autoren um anerkannte Mediziner. Der Inhalt dieser Website kann nicht als professioneller medizinischer Rat angesehen werden; es sind nur Meinungen.

      Discover The Science Behind Qi Coils™

      The following is research on Rife and PEMF for educational purposes only, we make no claims that our products will have any of the effects found in the studies.

      Qi Life Innovations

      Patent-Pending Innovations and Metaphysical Design

      Scientists say our universe is shaped in a torus. They may be right. It's nature's perfect shape for energy flow. It's used in nuclear fusion reactors, and can be seen in everything from sea corals, to earth's magnetic field, to our galaxy.

      Qi Coils use unique, powerful, harmonic sounds from the Qi Coil App, that are converted into an electromagnetic energy field to tune your mind and body for wellness.

      Science has shown that our brain and body responds to electromagnetic frequencies. It's actually one of the ways our cells and DNA communicate with each other. So if you send "instructions" to your cells in this manner, you could facilitate transformation with very little effort.

      Quantum Frequency

      The first Neuro-Programming Magnetic Energy Emitter for mental and physical wellness

      Quantum Frequency

      900+ Neuro-Programs to help you meditate, de-stress, focus, relax, sleep and more

      Quantum Frequency

      Contactless / Large "Area of Effect" (AOE), up to 30 SQFT coverage

      Quantum Frequency

      Inspired by the most powerful shape in nature - the torus

      Quantum Frequency

      Simple, safe, mobile easy plug-and-play operation powered by our proprietary Qi Coil™ app

      Quantum Frequency

      Trusted by doctors, researchers and 1000's of individuals around the world

      Countless Applications

      Transform Your Mind and Body - The system delivers frequencies by converting an electrical signal into a magnetic wave signal. Powered by an amplifier, it delivers frequency signals as energy waves to penetrate every cell in your body, delivering benefits wherever you want it to.
      Localized or Broadcast Applications – Can be used on a specific part on your body or our larger Aura Coils can be used to broadcast soothing energy to a large area or building.
      Water Restructuring - easily treat your water with coherent energy in minutes.

      Food Restructuring - easily treat your food with coherent energy in minutes.

      Agriculture - enhance growth and yield from plants.

      World's Most Powerful Meditation Frequencies

      What are Higher Quantum Frequencies? They are the next level of frequencies, that harness the power of 4 dimensions.

      • Rife Frequencies are single frequencies (1 dimension)
      • Binaural beats are 2 frequencies (2 dimensions)
      • Quantum Frequencies are multiple frequencies (3 dimensions)
      • Higher Quantum Frequencies are dynamic layers of fields of intention (4 dimensions)

      Waveform – Through the Qi Life System, sine, square, or triangle waveforms are generated, delivering a clean and effective signal with zero distortion. The wave comes through as a frequency, which is then converted through the Qi Life System into an electromagnetic Gaussian field.

      Frequency Range - 0.1 Hz to 22,000 Hz
      For frequencies over 22,000hz, a frequency generator is required.
      We recommend: Kuman Upgraded 60 Megahertz Frequency Generator

      Intensity – By turning the volume up or down on the mobile phone, tablet or amplifier, you can change the intensity settings. The system has a very strong detoxifying effect, so we recommend using only at 50% volume for beginners. The use of higher volume is advised only when your body can tolerate it, or for deeper penetration for people with larger body mass.

      Cutting-Edge Neuro Frequency Development

      Quantum Frequency

      World's Most Advanced Neuro Programs

      Up to 5000 neural data signals per program. Competitor devices typically have 1-5 per program. We go beyond conventional PEMF frequencies and have developed hundreds of programs called “quantum frequencies” that produce many specific psychological, emotional and biological states.

      Quantum Frequency

      Molecular Mapping

      All molecules have weight and geometry, by uncovering the active compounds in a substance, we can create a frequency profile for each compound and combine them to replicate its effects.

      Quantum Frequency

      Brainwave EEG sampling

      Using a specific combination or sequences of frequencies can induce predictable responses in the brain. Where conventional devices will claim they can calibrate your brainwaves to states such as alpha, delta or theta, we take a giant a leap forward and program your mind for more precise states like calm, confident, positive, peaceful, creative, mindful. 

      Quantum Frequency

      Electromagnetic Noise Displacement

      All substances, all our cells, and even our DNA emit an electromagnetic signature. By decoding these frequencies, we can alter how they interact with each other.

      Quantum Frequency

      Qi Life Proprietary Algorithms

      With over 10 years of research, we have discovered unique ways for creating experiences in the mind and body through frequency. Integrating a culmination of multi-disciplinary approaches and hyper-dimensional math, we are able to create dynamic numerical models of distinct states of well-being, which are then composed into our higher quantum frequencies

      151,000 Frequencies on our Resonant Console

      World's Most Powerful Wellness Programs at Your Fingertips

      Over 151,000 Frequencies - The Resonant Console 3 (Inner Circle) includes 9 Starter, 34 Master, 150 Quantum Frequencies, 137 Higher Quantum Frequencies, 57 Inner Circle Frequencies and thousands of Rife Frequencies. the number will increase as time goes by.

      Proprietary Software - The Resonant Console Software is not available in iTunes or Android stores. We automatically update the app ensuring that you will always have the latest version.

      Qi Coil™ App

      Discover scientifically proven frequencies that quickly shift your mind into altered states of consciousness and awareness. Simply download and listen to them during silent meditation, or anytime throughout the day! Meditation masters have taken decades to achieve high states of consciousness

      Impressive Vortex Power! 100X stronger than Earth's magnetic field.

      Scientific Study Reveals 27% Wellness Boost After Just 30 Minutes!

      Subject was a post-cancer female, 56 yrs. Used 2 coils aligned with head and feet for 30 mins, lying down, with the life force mid frequency. Used biowell GDV camera for bio-energy measurement before and after session.

      Qualitative Study of Frequency and Qi Coil Effects

      A survey was conducted on 200 random individuals that were divided into 3 groups. Group A never used any of our products, Group B used our frequencies at least 2 times a week for a 30 day period, Group C used Qi Coils at least 2 times a week for a 30 day period. The following standardized assessments were implemented:

      • DASS for Anxiety
      • PQAS - Pain Quality Assessment Scale
      • DASS for Depression
      • PSS - Perceived Stress Scale

      All 4 studies resulted in highly statically significant to extremely statistically significant results.

      Increased Energy Levels Improved Balance Reduced Stress levels

      96% Of Users Report Reduced Pain

      NASA* Discovers PEMF Increased Cell Regeneration By 40%

      PEMF, or Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, are beneficial and safe EMF energy fields used to improve quality of life and assist focus and meditation, among other beneficial effects. It mimics energy fields that occur naturally. PEMF therapy is able to permeate through your entire body, allowing for a stream of beneficial effects.

      Link to NASA Website Report

      16 Cancer Patients Saved by Dr. Rife

      Einstein and Tesla Agree “Everything is Energy and Frequency”

      Everything around us is created and surrounded with frequency. It goes down to our very molecules and the atoms that form them. Any changes you make to the frequency of any object change its very structure.

      It's hard to believe that these frequencies - sounds and vibrations so minuscule that we cannot even perceive them - can have such a profound effect on our corporeal world. But it's actually a relatively old concept - Quantum Physics! This is the basis of modern PEMF technology.

      It is now established that even the most minute and imperceptible frequencies from sound or music has the capability to change us. From the microscopic to the galactic, everything we can perceive and even those that we cannot, our entire universe is based on sound and vibration.

      All of these can be traced even to how our brains work. Could it be that even our thoughts can influence and can be influenced by the sounds and the vibrations around us?

      What Dr. Oz Says About PEMF..

      “There's a revolutionary cure for pain that few doctors know about because it is not a new pill or surgery ...Energy waves that changes the way your body copes with pain.”

      Watch Cancer Cells Killed With a Magic Frequency

      Learn How This Doctor Heals Disease With Sound

      Medical Research on PEMF

      All information on this website are for educational purposes only, we make no claims that our products will have any of the effects found in the studies. If you want to learn more about PEMF technology, feel free to browse the studies below. Do note, that we are not responsible for the content of the information provided below, and the studies referenced have been conducted by third party organizations and institutions. Therefore, you must conduct your own independent research and consider these studies at your own sole discretion. We do not warrant that you will experience any of the effects described in the below studies with any of our products.

      Over 2000 University Level Studies Show PEMF Therapy Works!

      2000 University Level

      Universities across the world have done research on the effects of PEMF Therapy on a wide variety of purposes that benefit areas such as: Cell Regeneration, Circulation, Healing, Nerve Repair, Nervous System, Neuropathy, Range of Motion, and Vision. They have also reported positive results on health problems such as: Arthritis, Depression, Diabetes, Edema, Endometritis, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, Hematoma, Hypertension, Lymphocytes, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Pain, Parkinson’s, Pelvic Pain, Tendonitis, and Ulcers.

      Download Complete 2000 University Report

      Important Info

      Contraindications - The Qi Life Systems is not advisable for those using a pacemaker, defibrillator, an insulin pump, ear cochlear implant or any other electronic metal implant. Do not use if you are taking high doses of iron supplements. Do not use near pregnant person. If a person has metal plate or screws due to a bone fracture do not place the System directly over the area. The device is safe to use on the usual inert metals used on bones like stainless steel or titanium, but not for metals that can be magnetized.

      Caution - If you feel dizziness, nausea, or a "healing crisis", stop using the devices until you recover. Recommended Use – 20-30 minutes per session, 1 to 3 times a day. Keep devices at least 2 feet from your head. Do not turn "high power kit" or crown branded amplifiers higher than 50% volume. "mobile power kit" may be used up to 100% volume.

      In the US, Qi Coil™ is positioned as a general wellness device compliant with FDA regulation (General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Devices: 2019-09-17) Qi Coil™ has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Always consult your medical doctor regarding any health concerns.

      "Business Positively Transformed and Changed!"

      I am excited to share that upon using the Coil in my business space the energy in the space was transformed and changes are manifesting positively. The people that need to be in the space are being attracted both as clients and practitioners. Client appointments have increased, event participation is up, new events are being created successfully, service offerings have increased and well received. It would be a blessing to win the console to incorporate into the business model for both individual sessions, events and overall business.

      - *Kimberly Taylor

      "Amazing Fast Recovery After Surgery!"

      My adopted cat had a huge malignant tumour removed, after lying in gardens that'd been sprayed with glyphosate for years.. The surgery left a huge scar and had cut muscles and nerves along his right thigh, hip and leg. He was unable to run, jump or even get himself onto the couch after surgery. When i used the muscle repair frequency, to my surprise, he started jumping from bed to couch and up fences again! He's mobile and much happier because he can get out there and play like he used to. He love the wand and cuddles up to it. I look forward to treating many more pets! it's so easy and effective. No need for traumatic vet visits...

      - *Claudia Van Roosmalen

      "Less Pain... Increased Mobility... One Treatment!"

      I have been using my Wand for about 3 weeks on myself and my friends and family. I have two cases of body pain (stiff neck and strained ankle). I listened to other Practitioners testimonies and watched their videos and treat each patient with the Sun, A Frequency to help Treat their pain (For Stiff Neck and Sprains, and closed with Great Pyramid as instructed. Both patients reported less pain and increased mobility after 1 treatment.

      - *Leslie Madden, New Orleans

      ¹ Real People and Real Stories. Profile Photos are representations only.

      Review Disclaimer: The website owner is not liable or responsible for the views expressed on this page by any individuals or other third parties, which are only to be construed as the view and opinion of such individuals and third parties entirely on their own. The website owner does not endorse any such views, or the information contained in such views, and the reader or purchaser may rely on such information at their sole absolute risk.

      How soon will I receive my order?+

      Please allow 2 to 3 weeks (depending on location) for product crafting and shipment as everything is handmade and is made to order.

      Are Resonant Wand and Aura Coil Safe?+

      Yes. When magnetic fields reach the body, they generate very small currents. Since the brain and the body itself use electricity to send and receive signals to and from other parts of the body, this process is not unnatural for the body. Resonant Wand and Aura Coil are non-invasive and safe to use. Also, the wires are insulated and the voltage is very low, so it's completely safe to hold or make contact with.

      What is the difference between the Resonant Wand, Aura Coil and Qi Coil Max?+

      Resonant Wands work best when held and directed to a body part. Aura coils work best to energetically cleanse or remove negative energy from an entire home and keep it clean. Qi Coil Max work like a mini Aura Coil and can cover a room.

      Is PEMF therapy scientifically proven?+

      Yes, there are thousands of scientific studies that prove pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has many benefits to humans.

      How Often Can I Use Resonant Wand?+

      Generally speaking, it is impossible to overuse magnetic stimulation. However, some people are more sensitive to this therapy than others. We recommend that all users follow the recommended time for each stimulation mode.

      When should I use it?+

      Use it whenever you feel you need it. If you need an energy boost, need to focus, or need to relax and sleep. The Qi Coil™ app offers many different programs for different needs so use them to enhance your performance at work, school, home, exercise, meditation, creativity, and more!

      Can I use it while I sleep?+

      Yes, just place it on a bedside table near you while you sleep. We do not recommend it to be on your body while you sleep as the cables may get tangled and come loose. Make sure that only the Qi Coil™ frequencies are being played and that you turn off any other audible sounds that may be coming from your mobile device. Also see (how often should I use it?)

      Will I Feel Pain During Stimulation with Resonant Wand or Aura Coil?+

      You should not feel any pain when using the Resonant Wand or Aura Coil. Many people experience feelings of well-being and relaxation when stimulated.

      Are There Any Side Effects?+

      Most of the side effects can be reduced with a change in diet - shorter and less frequent use. Consult your doctor if you notice any side effects or if you are concerned about experiencing them due to your medical condition.

      What Can I Do to Maximize the Effects of Using Resonant Wand?+

      Besides using the device as recommended, you can also follow a magnesium-rich diet and drink enough water.

      How does it work?+

      It uses unique, powerful, harmonic sounds that are programmed in our Qi Coil™ app, that are converted into an electromagnetic field to tune your body for health and wellness.

      How Do I Use Resonant Wand?+

      Just connect the Resonant Wand, choose a frequency on the app and press play. Detailed instructions on how to use it can be found in the Quick Start Guide, which is included in the Resonant Wand package, and in the Qi Coil™ app, available for free download from the iOS and Android app stores. Watch the video at the top of this page for the tutorial.

      How Long Should the Stimulation Last for Any Chosen Program?+

      We are all different, so our body and mind react slightly differently to magnetic stimulation. Each user should follow the general guidelines and adapt their use to their needs if necessary. Each stimulation regimen has a recommended duration and frequency of use to maximize effects and reduce the risk of potential side effects associated with hypersensitivity to that stimulus.

      How will I know it’s working?+

      We are all different, so our body and mind react slightly differently to magnetic stimulation. Each user should follow the general guidelines and adapt their use to their needs if necessary. Each stimulation regimen has a recommended duration and frequency of use to maximize effects and reduce the risk of potential side effects associated with hypersensitivity to that stimulus.

      How soon will I feel the effects?+

      Some people feel it immediately, some people notice the effects after 3-4 weeks. People who are more active, such as athletes, yoga, tai chi, qi gong practitioners and meditators tend to feel the effects much faster than people who are less active or have health challenges and energy blockages.

      How long do the effects last for?+

      With regular use, the effects may last indefinitely.

      Does it work for people who’ve never done this before?+

      Yes, many people who have never tried anything like the Resonant Wand or Aura Coil before have reported that they feel the effects immediately or over a period of 3-4 weeks.

      How can I attract abundance or manifest my intentions with this?+

      Your biofield can be sensed by others (consciously or subconsciously) as your field interacts with someone else's. The frequencies on the qi coil app are specifically designed with mathematically harmonics from quantum numerical expressions such as Fibonacci ratios, phi, pi, sacred geometry, zero-point energy, and many other profound frequencies. Tuning your nervous system and biofield to these frequencies affect your mood, brainwaves, your energy level, and your feeling of wellbeing. Others who sense this will become attracted to you. Also, your biofield interacts with universal energy on the quantum level. The Qi Coil™ amplifies the "signal strength" of your biofield so that it can project farther and more powerfully to the universe which will enhance your ability to manifest your intentions.

      Does it need batteries?+

      No batteries are required.

      How long will a Resonant Wand last?+

      Resonant Wand can typically last for years without any reduction in performance.

      Do they come with warranty?+

      Results are sometimes visible after a few weeks of use, so keep using your Resonant Wand system for a while if you're just starting out. If you're still not satisfied, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. See our return policy page.

      What Can I Do If I’m Not Satisfied with the Product?+

      Yes, all coils come with a 1-year manufacturer warranty against workmanship and defects. You can upgrade to 3-year accident protection and replacement warranty in our store.

      What is a Resonant Wand, Resonant Console and an Aura Coil? Is it a Rife Machine?+

      A Resonant Wand is an Electromagnetic and Gem Resonance Device Powered By Nature’s Sounds and Frequencies. Resonant Wave Devices are not Rife Machines. We only use frequencies with deep pulsed magnetic waves, avoiding the controversial harmful radio waves such as carrier waves.

      The "Electric Power Research Institute" studies found harmful effects of radio waves on human beings to be controversial, thus many RIFE devices were banned or even targeted by the US Federal Government.

      We discovered that RIFE frequencies are not radio waves in themselves, and does not need to be carried by the controversial radio waves, thus it is safer to use with the Resonant Wand System while you still get the complete benefits from frequencies!

      How does the Resonant Wave technology work?+

      The Resonant Wave System combines 4 powerful health technologies into one: Frequencies, Phase-Conjugation Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Piezoelectric Ruby, Tourmaline, Quartz Ions, and Quantum Restructuring Waveforms. All of these combined allows a comprehensive transfer of energy waves that changes the way your body copes with any illness. Combined, this technology allows you to deal with different areas of concern all over your body on a cellular level, by providing multiple frequencies at any given time. With your own personalizations and the ability to even input your own frequencies.

      If it is such a powerful device, how come it doesn't cost more?+

      Actually, we could and should charge 3-4 times more than the current price, based on what this device can do. But we want to make the device available to more people, so we have kept the price low. However, due to high demand, we are not able to keep up with manufacturing, so will be increasing the price soon to expand our manufacturing facilities.

      What else do I need aside from the wand?+

      Aside from the Resonant Wand, you will need the Resonant console or any device that could play mp3 to play the frequencies. Also, you will need the amplifier.

      *Amplifier is not included, you must use your own amplifier.

      Here’s the link to our recommended one:

      Crown XLS (Recommended from Amazon)

      If you purchased the Resonant wand, choose the 350 Watt Version

      If you purchased the Aura Coil, choose any version up to 750 Watts.

      Why is there a waiting list?+

      To maintain the finest health product quality standards, we have decided to keep production local rather than a source to an overseas manufacturer. We use only our in-house Artisans who have at craft our Resonant Wave Systems and other devices to ensure their precision and reliability. Therefore, there is a limit to how many wands can be crafted and made available for purchase each month. The demand, however, has been increasing rapidly, therefore, we have incorporated a waiting list so that each person will have a fair chance of getting a wand or device.

      How long is the waiting list?+

      We don’t have an accurate estimate of the wait time to get your wand or device. Usually, it’s a 4-6 week wait or sometimes longer. Occasionally, we may have a boost in production and the wait be may as short as 3 weeks, but there are no guarantees. If you have an emergency, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

      What is the difference between the Resonant Wand and Aura Coil?+

      The wand is meant for use on the body, it’s more portable and can be held and directed to specific parts and chakras of the body. Also, it has ruby and tourmaline gems that are beneficial for health. You can use Rife and Quantum / Life Force frequencies with it.

      The coil can broadcast a signal through an entire house, and is intended for general health with Quantum / Life Force frequencies and shielding.

      Disclaimer: None of the products are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention of any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner. Please check our Disclaimer page click here.