Qi Coil™ Reviews
"I felt that have excess energy to the point that I had an exercise in the morning but I need to move or do anything because there is a lot of energy in my body. I saw the effects in the amount of time."
Vanessa Gutierrez, Entrepreneur, Holistic Business Coach
Dr. Fab Mancini
Celebrity Doctor, President Emeritus of Parker Chiropractic University
"FASCINATING! David's depth of insight into the power of the mind is profound!"
Dr. Patrick Porter, PhD, Neuroscientist, Founder and Inventor of Braintap
"The Best Technology from the Biohacking Conference, I can feel it working in 30 seconds!"
Dr. Har Hari Khalsa, Doctor of Chiropractic Since 1989
"He fell 20 feet so we went to the E.R. and as soon as we got home, I immediately put the red light therapy belt on him and then I also play the anti inflammatory frequencies on. Recently he got up and I have never seen him heal so fast. It’s so mind blowing!"
Kim Rogers, Medical Specialist, Previous Professor of Healthcare and Director of Health
"I had my Qi Coil setup under my dad’s reading chair and I ran a frequency called a better mood program for him. I’m telling you, after about 15 mins, he got up out of that chair and hang out with us in the room and offer to make us a snack."
Laura Ramos
"The Qi Coil helped me tremendously with anxiety and depression, providing calm and optimism. It is highly recommended for anyone struggling with these conditions."
"Qi Coil added new dimension that I have been worked over the years"
Alain Torres "Genesis Doctor", World-Renowed Authority in Human Consciousness and Energy Healing
Healing The World Together

Vishen Lakhiani
CEO of MindValley

Jim Kwik
World's #1 Brain Coach

Dr. Patrick Porter PhD
Neuro-Scientist, Founder of Braintap

Dr. Har Hari Khalsa
Renowned Yogi, 33-Year Chiropractor

Dr. Amin Javid
Celebrity Chiropractor, Author of Human Biomechanics

Dr. Joy Kong, MD
Triple Board-Certified Stem Cell Specialist

Dr. Jason Chiriano, DO
Vascular Surgeon, Osteopathic Doctor, Founder of Vivalife Healing Centers

Dr. Isaac Jones
"Doctor of the Future", Founder of Health Experts Alliance

Jermall Charlo
WBC World Boxing Middleweight Champion

Hair Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Francisco Cidral, ND, PhD
Neuroscientist, Chief Scientific Officer

Susan Treadgold
Executive Coach, Best Selling Author of The High Performance Woman
"Frequency healing is super helpful because we’re getting attacked with a lot of solar activity and a lot of solar flares and I think that really hits people’s nervous system."
Hanna Holladay, Intuitive Healer
"We're amazed at the power and the versatility of the coil. It's an incredibly easy product to use and our whole family has definitely benefited from it already."
Stevie and Jonathon, Energy Healing Practitioners
I Don't Know Where I'd Be Without Qi Coils
"Everyday My life keeps getting better and I really do believe this will help others. I feel this device is like having your own person Reiki Practitioner/Genie. Seriously!"
Daimici Robert, Reiki Practitioner
"I tried everything available and nothing could cut my insomia except Qi Coil. The Qi Coil help my body to relax and treat my attractable insomia. I have been using it for about 2 weeks every single night. It's completely game changing also really great for stress meditation!"
Kirsten Karchmer, 20-Year Reproductive Acupuncturist
"I noticed a very interesting change in the atmosphere of the room whenever I'm playing these frequencies. This Qi Coil change my mood whenever I'm stress."
Alex Lipton, Videographer
"I played the money and, abundance business frequencies and this has been creating a lot of miracles since we have them. I feel the vibrations of abundance and receive this cash flow will be coming."
Zen Law, Entrepreneur
"We played this abundance and prosperity frequency with the Aura Coil and there is so much cash flow happening. This Aura Coil is the best device in the world."
Steven E. Schmitt, CEO Law of Positivity
After an auto accident two years ago, I have been in chronic pain every day.
I started using Qi Coil on my injured shoulder. In the first week the daily pain decreased into stiffness and the next week it had become a pinched muscle.
Tony Ramirez, Teacher
"This one has definitely helped me in states of well being to create a more positive mindset to create actually do a HEART FEELING. This really helped open me up and stay open so I could do the deep work that I needed."
Zameer Kurji, Founder of Quantum Boost
"I eliminated $3,000,000+ debt with Qi Coils & Inner Circle Frequencies. My mental energy became different completely after using this Qi Coil"
"This Qi Coil helps my husband his 40 years excruciating back pain gone in just 2 months. This is also change his weak mood."
"It changed my life completely! I overcome my fear of what I want to do in my life"
"Mental clarity, telepathy and remote healing. I used Qi Coils whenever I got a hangover on the next morning like I'm a frequency and my hangover went away in just minutes."
"Luck boost frequency is my favorite because I see instant results! I manifested a new house and healing"
"I’ve continued to see a flow of constant financial support and mental support to keep me in that state of gratitude of awareness that all my needs are met and opportunities are continuing to knock at my door… if you use them consistently it's something that will change your life…"
Carmel S.
"I’ve been feeling a lot calmer, a lot happier, I feel more productive and energetic throughout the day… I feel like there are less obstacles as to what I want to do… I would highly recommend this to somebody who feels a bit out of tune… it has definitely made a positive impact to my life…"
Maya P., Influencer
"My husband had a huge injury when has was playing soccer. The doctor said he must have a surgery but he refused everyday he is in pain. He tried to Qi coil one day and then the next morning he can walk."
"He had his follow-up appointment and in the doctor's office, they did a sigmoidoscopy. They had marked the tumor in his colon when they did the colonoscopy. When they did the sigmoidoscopy the doctor said "wait a minute. We must have missed our marker. We must have measured wrong? there's nothing here!" and so they sent him over to the hospital and they did a colonoscopy and there was nothing there. The tumor was completely gone. The doctor said "this is nothing that happened with one treatment of chemo and one treatment of radiation so we don't really know what happened here"
"Coolest device EVER!"
"Chronic Back Pain Gone After 5 Minutes! No Joke!"
"Qi Coil makes me feel younger and better!"
"Cold Sore ALL GONE after using the cold sore frequency with my Aura Coil. I also love using my quantum frequencies with my Qi Coil"
"Eyes improved… Pain is gone... Makes me more creative with my ability to compose songs…"
"Well I had just gotten my stuff and it was like I put the wand on that...my mom passed away maybe I didn't say enough, we could be holding back emotion and things like that. so even though you sing you still might have emotion that's being blocked and so I had to really go easy and eventually it was like it's just like wide open and it's really good"
"When I was being hard to them, I don't use force and I will use mean words but I do what I had to yell like yelled and they were not expecting that I would be like a little bit intimidated but now I don't have to do that. it's like I talked to them and the words connect . It went from not following orders to really really paying attention and listening. I don't need to raise my voice and be loud in order to or have to put them in time out"
"Eyes improved… Pain is gone... Makes me more creative with my ability to compose songs…"
"I went to his apartment, I put the wand next to his bed, and I ran the frequency. The next morning, I asked him. Hey dad, how did it go last night? He said, wow! I actually slept 4 hours last night and it was a good deep sleep. I was totally amazed and happy!"
David Wong
"I took a cup of water and pour it over a top of some seeds. Took the same cup that was microwaved put it on, just the water restructure. And then one round of earth frequency. Restructure just the earth. And then put that over the second cup, was a seeds. One was marked W mean wand, the other one with M. Well, anyway. And the wand grew but the microwaved water didn't. Even though it was the same water, just one was, one was microwaved and wand treatment."
"After using the Resowant Wand my post surgery pain was cut into half."
"I had searched for many years in fact decades for a solution. I'd been using the wand it has been a miracle. I went to my doctor last week and she reported to me that my iron and hemoglobin levels."
Melany Winslow-Hansen
"I did like two 10-minute sessions and then two 15-minute sessions and then that I just said okay let's just go 45 and they disappeared. It went from a really dark purple and like protruding out of the skin to a really really light blue and it's smooth... significantly reduce the varicose vein"
"Neck Pain Reduced After 5 Minutes after using Qi Coil"

I use the Qi Coil for faster recovery and better performance, I love how i can take it with me anywhere!
-David Prince
ParaOlympic Medalist Team USA

“I am making more Confident and Clear decisions about my life since using this technology! I have clarity and I am not all over the place! I know it is intelligent energy! I am feeling better than I have in so long I can’t remember when. I’ve had some great experiences so far with this device.”

“Client appointments have increased, event participation is up, new events are being created successfully, service offerings have increased and well received. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!”

“I feel that my quality of life has improved since, and hopeful for further improvements in the future. I would recommend others to try it out and give it a go. My goal in the future is to help others improve their quality of life in the future.”
Resonant Wand Testimonials

"Tumor marker down by 33 points in one month!"
“I have only been using the wand for a month now and have already had amazing results. I have aggressive metastatic stage 4 her2+ breast cancer. This is the first time in over 18 months my tumor markers have come down. Now down 33 points in one month. ”
-Katharyn H.¹

"Delivers healing on demand!"
“Bone pain gone. Decreased back pain, decrease hip pain noted.”
-Julia C.¹

"Irreparable Nerve Damage… Repaired!"
"First wand was made 7 years ago for a woman whose little daughter fell from the dryer and broke her shoulder. Her arm and had had so much nerve damage, she could not move anything. The doctors were going to do a nerve graft and the mom said “no.” She bought a wand used the Sound of the Sun with magnets and after 3 months, her fingers were moving again and months later full movement in arm and hands."

"Free Of Toxoplasmosis!"
"I am thrilled to report that my veterinarian just informed me that my kitty is free of Toxoplasmosis!! She was diagnosed with Toxo three weeks ago after months of muscle loss and seizures. The original report a couple of months earlier on my seizing, poor looking kitty showed normal blood work, but there were no tests to look for anything "outside the box." A suggestion was made to try phenobarbital for the seizures. A second opinion included a wide blood screen which found my kitty had a bad Toxoplasmosis infection. I had just received my Wand and amplifier, so I decided to try it on the kitty. I found Toxo Rife Frequencies, and using my own protocol, I regularly treated her. That was scary, as I was also trying to treat the seizures, and it was all really an experiment. The high dose antibiotic route was going to be very hard on her already sick body, so I experimented with the Wand. And, here we are, three weeks later, the cat is acting more normal, and tests show no more Toxoplasmosis! The Toxo organism has done a number on my kitty's body, however. I am still treating her with the Wand too, hopefully, rid her of the seizures and restore her balance. There is NO doubt the Wand's light frequencies killed the Toxo organism in my cat. I did not use any of the antibiotics prescribed for her. I kept them to use only if the Wand was unsuccessful. I am totally a believer in Wand as a healing tool. I have used the Wand on my husband, my horses, and myself. We are all feeling the benefits. The kitty proved via blood testing that the Wand is for real. I recommend it to everyone."
-Ty McClung, Gainesville, FL¹
¹ Real People and Real Stories. Profile Photos are representations only.