What You Need To Know to Survive in 2022

After Vax Detox 1 & 2 - Immune Detox Frequencies - Order Now >>


New Power Kits

Upgrade Your Qi Coil, Resonant or Aura Coil System With New Power Kits >>



The Weaponization of Nanotechnology in Humans

Dr. Robert Malone: The Good News about omicron

Self assembling wires (youtube)

Graphene oxide reacts to 5G

Bioweapon Nanocensors

82%-100% of Immune System in Adults Destroyed

World Council for Health Reveals Detox Supplements


Statements on this website and video have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are for educational purposes only.  Products mentioned on this video and website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should not use the information contained on this site for diagnosing or treating a health problem, disease, or prescribing any medication. 

Category: Replays de webinaires

1 commentaire

  • Thank you for the webinar “What You Need To Know to Survive in 2022” that was very interesting & very powerful. I want to be honest that I decided not to get the vaccine at all as I was concerned on how safe it is. Brilliant webinar.

    Guillaume Maurice

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