Transform Your Wealth and Prosperity 10X Faster

With The 4,000-Year-Old Secret Chinese Emperors Used to Build Empires…

Scientific Studies

  • Transcranial Low Voltage Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression by Larsen ER, Licht RW, Nielsen RE, Lolk A, Borck B, Sørensen C, Christensen EM, Bizik G, Ravn J, Martiny K, Vinberg M, Jankuviené O, Jørgensen PB, Videbech P, Bech P (2020).

  • Pulsed Magnetic Field Treatment of Anxiety, Panic and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders by Pawluk W. J Altern Complement Integr Med 5 (2019)

  • Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression by Martin L. Pall, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016.

Your Wealth and Success Are Being Sabotaged

And You Might Not Even Know It
Every day, the energy around you is working against you.
This negative energy is making you miss out on opportunities, wealth, and success, causing the energy in your life to be out of alignment.

It’s not your fault, but if you don’t do something about it… nothing will change.
Imagine how much you could achieve if your energy was in perfect harmony—where wealth and success flow to you effortlessly.

Without fixing this, you’ll keep hitting invisible walls, struggling to move forward while your potential is quietly slipping away.

But here’s the good news…

There is a 4000-year old secret that can actually help you remove energy gunks and attract abundance 10x faster!

For thousands of years, ancient Chinese emperors ruled vast kingdoms and built legendary empires...

And they didn’t do it alone.

They had a secret—a powerful energy system that aligned the universe in their favor.

This wasn’t luck or coincidence… It was a science, refined over 4,000 years.

A system designed to attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity effortlessly.

Feng Shui: The Energy Secret Emperors Used to Shape Empires And Outsmart Their Enemies

At the heart of this powerful energy system is feng shui, an ancient Chinese art that harmonizes your surroundings with the natural flow of energy, or Qi.

Feng Shui was the most well-known and widely used, but emperors didn’t stop there.

They relied on Ba Zi and Qi Men Dun Jia—ancient metaphysical systems that were so powerful they could predict the future, influence major decisions, and ensure success.

While feng shui aligned their physical spaces to attract wealth and prosperity, Ba Zi analyzed astrological data to give insight into their destiny, and Qi Men Dun Jia helped them strategically plan their every move, from wars to marriages.

These systems worked together, giving emperors control over their fate, helping them gain the upper hand over their enemies, and allowing them to shape the destiny of their empires.

But these systems were kept strictly for the elite. They were so complex that ordinary people were not allowed to use them—those who tried faced severe punishment, even 

And for good reason…

Why These Ancient Practices Were Too Dangerous for Ordinary People

These metaphysical systems were game-changers.

They could predict the best days for battle, forge alliances, and even protect the emperor’s health.

But they were extremely complicated.
Everything had to be perfect—astrological data, birth times, and planetary alignments that changed every single day. One mistake could lead to disaster.

It’s no wonder these systems were reserved for the elite.

Today, however, you don’t need to master these ancient methods to harness the same power…

Misaligned Energy Is Quietly Sabotaging Your Wealth and Success

You may not be building an empire, but the same forces of energy that shaped the success of ancient emperors are still at play today.

Think about it.

The spaces you live and work in are filled with energy.

When that energy is out of balance, it can cause frustration, missed opportunities, financial struggles, and even tension in your relationships.

It’s like an invisible block—stopping you from moving forward no matter how hard you try.

But when you align your environment with the natural flow of energy, just like the emperors did, you’ll find that things start to shift…

Doors open. Prosperity flows. Success comes easier.

It’s not magic. It’s the same ancient science that worked for kings and emperors… and now, it can work for you.

A Simpler Way to Harness Ancient Energy for 
Wealth and Success

Thankfully, you don’t need to master complex systems like Feng Shui, Ba Zi or Qi Men Dun Jia to unlock the same level of prosperity.

There’s a simpler, more effective way to align your energy for success—without needing to track the stars or memorize astrological charts.

With the Ultimate Abundance Frequencies and Qi Coils, you can tap into the same powerful energy that emperors used, but without the guesswork.

This advanced technology harmonizes the energy around you, amplifying your optimal frequency for wealth, prosperity, and abundance… every single day.

No complicated calculations. No shifting energy patterns. Just pure, focused prosperity.

Frequencies align your energy with the natural flow of abundance.

They clear out negative blocks and open the door for prosperity to flow in.

When your energy is tuned to the right frequency, opportunities start showing up.

It’s like having the universe on your side, guiding wealth and success your way.

The Invisible Energy That’s Sabotaging Your Health and Prosperity

Right now, you’re surrounded by invisible forces… cell phones… Wi-Fi signals… and harmful EMFs from the devices you use every day.

These forces are quietly sabotaging your health, your mental clarity, and your ability to thrive.

Research shows that long-term exposure to EMF radiation can disrupt your body’s natural balance. It increases your stress levels… weakens your immune system… and even puts you at risk for chronic diseases like cancer.

Think about it… every time you’re on your phone… or surrounded by Wi-Fi… your body is constantly absorbing this harmful energy.

It’s draining you. It’s creating stress…..
And it’s making it harder for your body to focus, heal, and attract prosperity.
This is the opposite of wellness and abundance.

When your body is under constant stress from harmful energy, how can you expect to achieve balance? How can you attract wealth… or maintain clarity in your life?
But there’s hope…

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) is the key to reversing this damage.

PEMF works by restoring your body’s natural energy balance… counteracting the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

It helps reduce stress… improve sleep… and boost your overall well-being and helpyou attract abundance effortlessly.

Unlock Prosperity at Every Level with Our Powerful Frequency Tiers

The Ultimate Abundance Frequency is designed to help you attract wealth and success effortlessly, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

We offer different tiers of frequencies, each tailored to help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively:

Start small, or go straight for the ultimate transformation—the choice is yours.

Luck and Fortune

Luck and Fortune is perfect for amplifying your luck and bringing more positive opportunities into your life. It’s a great starting point if you’re ready to start attracting good fortune.
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Inner Circle Money

Inner Circle Money is focused on attracting wealth and financial opportunities. If you want to open more doors to financial success, this is the frequency for you.
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Attract Abundance

Inner Circle Abundance takes it deeper. For those who want to tap into long-term prosperity, providing a strong boost to financial and personal success, this frequency gets the job done.
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Ultimate Abundance

Experience the highest level of prosperity with a powerful collection of tracks designed to attract wealth, success, and fulfillment. This program empowers you to manifest your desires effortlessly across all areas of life. Unlock the ultimate flow of abundance and transform your reality.
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Amplify Your Results with Qi Coils

To tap into the full power of these frequencies, you need more than just intention—you need the right tools.

That’s where the Qi Coil Max comes in.

With the ability to cover up to 400 square feet, the Qi Coil Max is perfect for creating a powerful energy field in a specific room or workspace. It surrounds you with continuous positive energy, boosting your prosperity and aligning your space for success.

But if you’re looking to transform the energy of your entire home or business, the Qi Coil Aura Ying Yang is your ultimate solution.

Covering over 3,000 square feet, the Aura Coil creates a powerful, expansive field of energy that fills every corner of your space. Imagine your entire home radiating abundance, good fortune, and prosperity.

These two systems work together to bring balance and harmony, amplifying the flow of positive energy and ensuring every part of your life is aligned with success.

With the Feng Shui map, you can place Qi Coils in the key areas of your home for optimal energy flow, creating a permanent flow of prosperity that aligns with ancient principles.

Use the Feng Shui Map to Align Your Energy at Every Point in Your Home or Business

Feng shui isn’t just about where you place your furniture—it’s about harnessing the energy flow in every area of your space.

The feng shui bagua map is an ancient tool, based on the eight-sided concept (bagua), that divides your home into nine zones. Each zone represents a specific area of your life—health, wealth, relationships, and more.

The key to using the bagua map is understanding that it’s always oriented based on your entrance. The entrance is considered the front of the map, and it aligns with the Life Journey & Career Zone, where the energy first enters your space.

By placing Qi Coils in these key zones, you can amplify the flow of positive energy and enhance different aspects of your life.


Front of the house

What Real People Like You Are Saying About Their Results With  Qi Coil Aura

"As the owner of an IT company, we've been closing numerous deals lately. After using the Abundance Plus. Frequency, we secured two six-figure deals I'm thoroughly impressed; this investment in both money
and time has proven to be well worth it!"
"I had my Qi Coil setup under my dad's reading chair and I ran a frequency called a better mood program for him. I'm telling you, after about 15 mins, he got up out of that chair and hang out with us in the room and offer to make us a snack."
"I noticed a very interesting change in the atmosphere of the room whenever I'm playing these frequencies."
“I played the money and, abundance business frequencies and this has been creating a lot of miracles since we have them.”

This Is the Only Place to Get Qi Coils

You won’t find this exclusive offer on Amazon or any other platform—it’s only available right here, on this page.

Once you acquire your Qi Coils, they are yours to keep forever—no subscriptions, no time limits.

But this offer won’t be around forever, and I can’t guarantee how long it will last.

Why keep struggling with misaligned energy or missed opportunities? The power to realign your energy, attract prosperity, and transform your life is just a click away.

Act now and don’t miss out on unlocking the full potential of your life with Qi Coils.

Claim your discount and click below right now!

30-Day Results Guarantee or 100% Money Back

  • That's why we offer a 30-day results guarantee….
  • Just use the Qi Coil every day for 30 days.
  • Make sure to follow the specific frequency programs we recommend and check out our online tutorials and support if you need it.
  • You should start seeing results very fast.
  • If you don’t after 30 days, just let our support team know.
  • We’ll help you return the Qi Coil. Once we get it back, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
  • We want to make sure you can try the Qi Coil without any worries.

Feel the Difference a Qi Coil Can Make in Your Life—Starting Today

Walk into your home or office. Feel the calm. No more stress. No more tension.

A Qi Coil transforms your space. It’s peaceful, and you can finally relax.

But here’s where it gets exciting…

When your energy aligns, everything starts to flow. Opportunities? They come to you. Business deals close faster. New clients show up. Money moves easier.

It’s like the universe is finally on your side.

Focus sharpens. You get more done. No burnout. No wasted time. Just results.
And it’s not just you.

Your family feels it. Conversations get easier. Relationships are smoother. Harmony everywhere.

And when stress disappears, your health improves. You sleep better. You have more energy. Life feels good again.

This is what happens when your energy aligns with a Qi Coil.

It’s not some vague promise. It’s real. And the best part? You’ll feel the difference fast.

Start Attracting Abundance Like A Magnet

Don’t settle for anything less than a life filled with abundance and opportunity.
Click the button below, get your own Qi Coil, and start transforming your life in just minutes a day!
Complete your checkout below and experience everything I’ve talked about, 100% risk-free.